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Everything posted by broncobuster

  1. I havent posted anything for a while. just havent made to much stuff lately just been fixing lol. heres my first set of mounted shooting holsters. turned out pretty good i think. they were work though.
  2. welcome. just ask questions someone will answer. and tons of ideas on here.
  3. welcome if you have questions someone will have the answer. look around many many ideas.
  4. heres a guitar strap i made been long time since i built one.
  5. i might have that one to if eglidride doesnt have it i might.
  6. some glue the backing on
  7. heres some chaps i just did. one happy customer
  8. nice your up in the world compared to me lol ive got the oldies.
  9. some rodeo chaps i just did in black with orange and silver mettallic fringe and accents. a satisfied customer with her new noseband.
  10. very nice beautiful!. what kind of price ya get for something like that. just a round park figure?
  11. welcome fellow cheesehead.
  12. yuppers i have an industrial machine. 12 needle
  13. heres a bronc noseband i did with embroidery on the leather. its the start of the year end awards for my horsey fun shows for the year .
  14. the cova dyes n black oil dye
  15. been a while that i posted something heres a bronc noseband i just finished
  16. broncobuster

    christmas orders

    a few orders i did for christmas
  17. I have some duplicate craftaids so im offering them for sale. 5.00 ea plus ship. i have the numbers i have pics to but have to do some hunting for them lol. numbers-- 2631, 2190, 6542, 6563, 4110, 6532, 6530, 5001, 2787, found them
  18. AW man ive wanted to learn since i was in highschool n thats been long time ago. just never seem to get the funds built up. looks like a great deal. good luck in your school not sure why it posted funny. sorry
  19. anyone ever use one of these or if your looking this might work? anyone who has see it work any input? there around 200.00
  20. I have it
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