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  • Interests
    Finesse leather carving, modeling, all things leather. Making hair ties, belts, wallets, hunting and archery accessories, black powder bags, etc. Also like trapping, hunting, fishing, scrimshaw, wilderness canoeing, black powder, and of course, leather working.

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Interested in all leather work connected to the outdoors and accessories for Men and Women.
  • Interested in learning about
    Fine techniques in finesse carving, modeling techniques, and all things leather.
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?

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  1. Village Noel Temiskaming - A Christmas Village (Village Noel Temiskaming) with a New France Theme. November 27th - 30th, 2014 in Downtown New Liskeard, Temiskaming Shores, Ontario Come to our Christmas Village with a New France Theme of the 1600's. There will be many artisans and leather workers, carolers, stret musicians and all set in the 1600's Fur Traders and Coureur de Bois of the French Fur Trade Era. And LeatherCanoe will be there! Come and experience an old fashioned Christmas. leathercanoe.com

    © ARTEM

  2. posting in the gallery

    1. DoubleC


      go to top when you are signed in, drop down the menu under your name, go to your gallery, name an album and go to the upload button. Those pictures will also come across the main forum windows. Cheryl

  3. Hello folks! I'm new to this computer stuff so forgive me if I don't catch on to the lingo. I've been checking out all the talk on this forum and it sounds like I've landed among a bunch of kind and knowledgeable people.I have an up and coming leather shop where I'll want to make the things I've made for myself and others in the past. I'm a trapper, hunter, fisherman and also a historical re-enactor who has made all my own leather gear. What I need to find at this time is a canadian source for wholesale belt buckles, any and all info would be greatly appreciated, Thank you! (What's a Topic Tag? I did say I was new to this stuff!)
  4. Hello stangman645, I'm new to this myself but I bought an old refurbished HEAVY DUTY Brother sewing machine for sewing leather and found it's good for leather up to about 4 oz.The fellow I bought it from said it will sew 2 thicknesses of 10 oz leather,which it does but this is when you have the machine going full pin.It's very hard to control and I believe it's hard on the little motor. After doing more reseach, I found out that you want a commercial /heavy duty leather sewing machine with a servo motor which has the power and control to handle heavy leather. I like the info on the cobra machines that have a motor, and I also like the tippman "BOSS" that is handpowered which would be handy, especially up here in the bush where we don't have power. Anyway, check them out ,see what you think, hope this helps and take care.
  5. Thank you for the info, Samar,I understand the thickness in millimeters as we use the metric system in Canada too. I'm just a little bit old school and like the weight also. (3.00 to 3.5 mm is about 8 to 9 oz weight) You wil be in our prayers and again,you do beautiful work!
  6. Hello Samar, BEAUTIFUL work!!! I am just getting into leather work and am starting a small online business. I used to be a competitive wood carver and have won my share of trophies and ribbons. My question is, what leather weight do you use to achieve this type of depth and definition? Again,fantastic work!
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