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Status Updates posted by rcsaddles

  1. Can someone give me the phone number for the Phillips that makes the maker stamps? Can't seem to find it.

    1. camano ridge

      camano ridge

      Here is there web site it has a couple of phone numbers and has templates to help you pick out what you want. http://www.phillipsengraving.com/LeatherStampOrderForm.html

    2. Frank


      1-888-369-6906 is the last number I had for them

  2. Actually I meant to ask for the phone number.

  3. Can someone give me the address for the Phillips that makes maker stamps? I can not get into their website. Thanks

  4. As far as I know, there is still room in the Begining braiding class in Sheridan. Sign up by Friday and you will receive a Ron Edwards book.

  5. As far as I know, there is still room in the Begining braiding class in Sheridan. Sign up by Friday and you will receive a Ron Edwards book.

  6. As far as I know, there is still room in the Begining braiding class in Sheridan. Sign up by Friday and you will receive a Ron Edwards book.

  7. Someone please remind me how to view my messages. I can't seem to remember how to get to them,

    1. Johanna


      Click your name, top right corner of the page, and you should get a drop down menu of choices.

    2. Johanna


      Click your name, top right corner of the page, and you should get a drop down menu of choices.

    3. bruce johnson

      bruce johnson

      With my new computer I had to click "compatibility view" to get to my messages

  8. Someone please remind me how to view my messages. I can't seem to remember how to get to them,

  9. Would someone please remind me how to look at my old messages. Thanks for the help and not laughing at me but with me.

    1. bkingery


      Go to your profile and click on Posts and it should take you right to them

    2. LNLeather


      Are you looking for your Messages, Status Updates or Forum Posts? For Forum Posts go to your Profile page and click on Find My Content OR you could do an advanced search for Find Author & enter rcsaddles & it will show all of your posts & pictures. From your Profile Page you can find your Recent Status Updates and forum posts. For old messages, click on the white arrow next to your name (up in the R corner of the page) and then click on messenger

  10. Would someone please remind me how to look at my old messages. Thanks for the help and not laughing at me but with me.

  11. I posted a list of machines and such in the For Sale under Miscellaneous Items section. Take a look as this equipment is in very good shape.

  12. Bevan, go to chat if you can.

  13. Had a great time in chat last night. Feel sorry for those that missed out. Stay warm.


  14. House sitter is arranged and we are getting ready to head to Nebraska. High winds and snow. Should be an interesting dirve.

    1. ClayB


      drive safe, it's ugly out there!

    2. JWGlover


      just keep the shiny side up and the rubber side down

  15. Temperature 1 degree wind at about 15 mph means wind chill -13 degrees. Work should be fun today.

  16. Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, Today is a gift from God, that is why we call it "the Present".

  17. Today is to be sunny and 72 here on central Montana. Love this weather but would like snow for hunting.

  18. Cut roo lace for a 14 plait two tone belt last night. Looking forward to relaxing and braiding it over the next couple of days in my spare time.

  19. Going to be at a Cowboy Poetry Gathering in two weeks. Want to have about 10 dozen flowers made by then.

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