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Everything posted by millman927

  1. I think I just bought that same color, only place was Tandy...its called "Seringetti ---gold in color" and you have to buy the whole hide, at least I'm pretty sure thats it,, good luck
  2. Hello.... I'm looking for anyone that might have purchased Serengeti whole hides catalog number 9391-57, this number refers to the gold color, I'am doing a purse repair and only need possibly 2 16 x 16 pcs. Any help would be great....thanks Bob
  3. hello Ross., When you say fully functional are you actually sewingwith it ? How long have you had it? Where abouts in Penn. are these? Can you tell me what the difference between the G and the K is. ? sorry for the 3rd degree but pretty interested,,, can you call me......... Bob 216 978 0106 thanks so much!
  4. Hello Peter, Is the machine still for sale? Can you email me and let me know,,,,millman927@oh.rr.com thank you.
  5. Thanks anyway Trox but I have a servo and some pulleys to slow things down abit, at least till I get used to sewing at higher speeds, the singer just needs new wires and a switch. I have talked to the guys in toledeo a couple of times , not for this though, but this was something I wanted to try just so I can see how things work inside that column, I was hoping for guidlines or pictures to say "thats a worn out part, or thats a good one" so I would know if I have to buy or make someting new or not, but I'll see if just a couple of screws out will get me in trouble. P S this is a great web to read and learn from. I met Johanna at the Sheridan show in Wyoming and told her what a great job she has done here. Thanks Again Bob
  6. Hello all, I have a singer 29k60 that came with an original singer electric motor and at first seemed to work alright--then the electric shorted out (very old) so I thought I would take all apart and put a servo on it with a reducing system.....but then my curiosity got the better of me and i would like to fine tune everthing , has anyone ever taken one of these all apart? Is there a microfilche page to look at how to put together, or pointers on how to set everything back to new? Thank- you for any help Bob
  7. I'm looking for some alphabet FILAGREE cutting stamps......any help....thanks Bob
  8. maybe drill them out and put new ones in, then you can neatlac them...there can't be that many in a knife sheath.
  9. Hey Steve, are you going to be at the Sheridan show?
  10. Does that Toro 3000 have reverse? Dah....sorry found my answer just had to read a little further...thanks for not throwing me out for dumb ????
  11. Hey thanks all of you...the bobbin not wound consistently sounds like something to check.
  12. So I have been practicing with a techsew GA5-1 and seem to be getting something of the same sorts....start the stitching-keeping a straight line...stitches look good then all of a sudden in the middle of the lenght the stitches go way down in the leather, so like going along fine then way too tight then fine again, go figure, also the top stitches look like there on an angle and the bottoms are straight and great. Ive been practicing with black 277 on top and white 207 on bobbin so that i could see where the stitches are being pulled, sometimes great , sometimes not so good. Thanks for the needle too big tip on the slanted thread I'll try that tomorrow. Also playing with a consew 206 rb, way to fast for me to even practice on...the thread keeps flying out of the needle and I have to keep rethreading it..just a pain till I get the servo and speed reducer I'am making on it. Thanks all, this is the best informational site, read it all the time.
  13. Thanks all you guys.... I just today found one from Industrial machines n parts. Its grey with sealed bearings, 3 pulley positions, and the largest wheel is 9 inches...about 110.00
  14. I'm looking for a good sealed bearing speed reducer for my machine, could someone tell me if there is such a thing as a 9 inch pulley for reducing? And where is the best place to get one? Thank-you
  15. I have been reading this wonderful website for quite some time now, and trying to absorb all the knowledge offered here...so can you tell me if one machine ( juki 563 ) with a vertical hook or a consew 206 rb with a horizontal offers more of an advantage than the other, I'm not sure which the juki 1541 has. I 'am just starting out with more on the sewing end of some projects, just alot of practice so far, Ihave a techsew GA5-1, seems to be alright for heavy stuff but was looking for something alittle lighter...still looking and learning, thank for any help.
  16. I thank you all for the info...maybe cobra is something to look into.
  17. I was hoping some of you experts could help me choose for a middle of the line (say 69 to 214 thread)( and not to start a war) sewing machine, say neels ns 0797, or the consew 206 rb, juki 1541, techsew, tachsew, and the like. I 've been reading this fine forum for quite some time, think its great, I'm a little new to this craft and just starting to get the basics of tooling and sewing, I have the techsew GA5-1 and its a great heavy leather machine, so thought I'd ask for something a little lighter. Thanks for the help. Bob
  18. A very informative sight....but can anyone tell me where I could find lessons on sewing leather, I live near the cleveland ohio area and I am plannning a trip down to mt. hope to Weavers for whatever insight a beginner can find.........thank you all
  19. This is a wonderful site for an enormous amount of information, glad I found it. Just a few ????? What is the IFoLG show, where can I buy Danny Marlin head knife, are the stainless tools from Al Stohlman Barry King and Robert Beard the elite tools to have? Are there any clubs in the Cleveland area? Thanks for any help....Bob
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