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Everything posted by CWR

  1. Thanks Ian. Those are almost exactly what I had in mind. i am going to add a tab at the top for the stirrup leather hobbles to fo through and make them out of rawhide. Sure do appreciate it. CW
  2. I'm trying to make a pattern for some bulldog taps and not having much luck. Do any of you have a pattern you would be willing to share? Thanks, CW
  3. CWR


    Thanks everyone. Think I will try a twisted core next time. Rob, When I braided the core I braided around a dowel about the size the wrist strap would be. I braided past it, to hold it in place, then cut the core to length after it was dry. I then braided the rest of the quirt with the dowel in place. The wrist strap was put in last. CW
  4. CWR


    Here is a quirt I just finished. I would appreciate any feedback or tips. I would really like to know what the rest of you use for cores. I used a braided core in this on and would like it to be a little stiffer. Thanks, CW
  5. Waddy, If you have Bruce Grants books, he calls it the spanish edge lacing of two loops. Its pretty easy to do. Just keep pushing the lace together to get better coverage. This is what most of the rings are covered with. 3/32 rawhide works really good. Cut your string long you don't want to run out. Good luck, CW
  6. Thanks guys. Bruce, I'm looking for the superiors. The one with the flat strap on the inside of the stirrup leather.
  7. I need to replace the Blevins buckles on a couple of my personal saddles and would like replace them with what Bruce Johnson called the Superior Quick change buckles(they look like they would be less bulky). I can't find anyone who carries them. Can you help me with suppliers and any of your expirience with them? Thanks, CW
  8. CWR

    New bosal

    Just finished this one.
  9. CWR

    Goat Rawhide

    Has anybody made or have any experience with goat rawhide?
  10. CWR


    Alan, How and where do you bury the ends. I have used this method to make knife sheaths. But all my strings end up at the top. Do you build your parallels with half the strings from the top and half from bottom, then split them with the remaining two sets? Thanks, CW
  11. Thanks Alan. Saw some of your work. Really looks good. I'm going to post a bosal I just finished when I have time. Would like your input. Do you ever come to the Cowboy Poetry Gathering in Alpine?
  12. First off let me say how much I have enjoyed the forum. I found it yesterday and it has helped alot. I started braiding rawhide about a year ago and started cutting my own string recently. What is the best procedure from going to a hide to something manageable to run through the cutter? I cut two big circles out of a side then cut them into half inch strips. But if I get off in cutting the strips it takes awhile to true them up and I have a bunch of short strings until I get a straight side. Any hlpe would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, CW
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