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Everything posted by MR JOE

  1. Hello Every body i made this Leather tank panel for a Road king Harley Davidson i hope you enjoy the video. I''am french here's my fb page
  2. Hello Everybody Thank you ! Yes it was my design ...Elvis Buddy Holly Ricky NelsonHank Snow had cover guitars like that...here's the back of the guitar The most difficult part tto make was the rcord label by the way .I'am French. here's my fb page https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100007807487322 (
  3. Hello Everybody here's the guitar cover i made TRIBUTE TO ENJOY
  4. Hello Everybody iam making these arm guards MR JOE.
  5. i didnt beleve the edge i did taht 2 years ago. thank you all for tou comments MR JOE.
  6. MR JOE


    hello thank you for you comment here's a nother pic MR JOE.
  7. thank you very much.for your comment yes i like this melange i did the same thing for the saddle bag and the cover guitar
  8. MR JOE


    yes i use a workmate by the way i don 't use any machine....
  9. here are 2 photos thank you Toney
  10. MR JOE


    this my clamp iam looking for information somebody?
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