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Everything posted by Kani

  1. Does anyone know if the George Hurst videos from Hide crafters still $5.00? I tried finding them on their website but it didn't say. Thanks
  2. Thanks. I want to surprise her with a checkbook cover or wallet. Thanks again.
  3. What do you mean by printer type for lettering? This is beautiful work.
  4. The other site is Leatherskills.com I don't anything about the dvd's other than what the site says.
  5. Hello I found this tonight. They are mini movies on a blog. Found them intresting. Here is the site. www.johan-potgieter.com/leatherlearn/ These are free mini clips. There is another one but I can't find it right now. You have to buy the dvds from it.
  6. Hello Warren, I was wondering if it is alright if I use your fireman logo? My daughter is a firefighter. I would like to make something for her with this on it. Is it okay? Thanks
  7. Kani


    Hey Warren, My daughter is a firefighter. I like your logo. Can I borrow it and see if I can make a pattern from the picture for her? I would like to make something for her with this pattern. Thanks Kani
  8. Kani


    I am intrested in carving, stamping, sewing, and braiding. I love to work with leather. One day I would love to be able to make a saddle. That is way in the future. I did a billfold the other day and was not pleased with my work at all. I am going to work on some scraps. 20 years ago I use to do half way decent but for some reason this time it looked like something a 6 year old would do. I am going to do some practicing before I take any pictures. Would love to learn how to engrave on leather. I will post a picture of my work when I have time. I want to learn all that I can on working with leather. Am intrested in a forum here about making my own tools as well. Have enjoyed reading so much on this forum. I am learning alot. Thank all of you for the information. Hope to learn so much more. I like working with animal patterns.
  9. Kani


    Hello I am a newbie here. I stumbled on the site by accident and boy am I glad I did. You all give so much information on everything. I feel like I have hit the lottery with this site. Thank you so much.
  10. Thank you so much. I find this conversation very intresting. I have been looking for some tools (am not sure they even are available). With the information you all have giving here is giving me some ideas. I am kinda new to leather crafting. It has been years since I did anything and am just getting back into it. Now you have got me intrested in making my own tools. Thanks again. Anymore hints?
  11. 1st off I want to thank you for starting this board. I have been looking for a place I could go to and get answers about leather work. I am a newbie at it. Love this site. It took me a while to find it. I accidently typed in leather crafting and found it. I had typed in leather work, leather tooling, working with leather and other sites came up. Boy am I glad I typed in leather crafting. It is a craft an art. Some of the work I have had time to check out here is wonderful. I hope one day I will get to be half as good as alot of you. Thanks again Johanna for starting this site.
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