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Everything posted by EthiopianBone

  1. Hi JuntoPi, If I'm correct in the assumption you went to Tandy in Shoreline (im in edmonds), you might call and ask if they still hold beginner classes. When Andy ran the place, they did classes on Saturdays that would go over basics for carving, tooling, stitching, dying, etc. Strictly learning through trial and error like i (foolishly) do can get expensive fast, so the free classes are probably wise.
  2. I fully agree with this position. The item was made to customer's specification and delivery was complete. To not want to get flamed online is perfectly understandable, but generally it is easily equalized with proper responding. In the future, I suggest maybe using a disclaimer along the lines of "custom orders are made to customer specification, and are not modifiable post-production."
  3. Hi, J. Welcome. I assume that by saying you mapped a route UP to macpherson that youre in s king county? One thing that some people underestimate is getting some supplies from Craigslist. Some people buy kits, tools, materials, then never get started so you can snag new stuff cheap...
  4. I saw a ridiculous Ralph Lauren commercial on TV (not by design...it just came on, I swear) and it showed someone using really long needles to stitch a leather bag. The needles look like they're a good 7-8" in length, but didn't look like anything I have seen in real life. Does something like this actually exist (for thread, not lace) or was this just some TV tomfoolery to try to convince sheep to run to Macys and buy some crap?
  5. Hey, If you find yourself in the North Seattle area, there is also a Tandy Store up near shoreline on Aurora around 147th or so. Seems pretty well stocked as well. One of these days I'll get off my lazy ass and drive North 20 minutes and check out Quil Ceda Leather and let you all know what I find there...it's up by the Tulalips...
  6. Thanks for the quick reply, Bill. I figured that the leathers might be good for smallish bags, wallets, etc. If nothing else, they should be good for practice...
  7. Hello everyone! i've used the search function already but haven't seen a lot about using deer or goat leathers, so please excuse if this has been covered in some detail already... There seems to be a lack of information regarding the uses for goat and deer leathers. I'm very curious now as to whether that's due to a lack of supply in different areas, or if there is a functional reason why goat seems to be tagged for liners or jackets, and deer seems to be somewhat disregarded overall... The only other thing that came to mind is that maybe people are looking at working with leather primarily as a business, and perhaps people don't like the randomness of it? (size, scars, bullet holes, etc) I guess that could make it a bit too erratic for planning prior to procurement... If there are any issues inherent with goat or deer, I'd love to know. Otherwise, I'll just keep on lurkin' and hello from Seattle! Dan
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