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  1. I make the shoes in my house, so the smell gets around (even my son can smell it in his room). So I am really searching for another glue, or another process to make these glues stay! Thank you!
  2. Good Morning all! I have been experimenting with different glues to use in my shoemaking, which is in an enclosed space and all cemented construction. I love how Aquilim 315 doesn't smell at all, but unfortunately, the hold is just not there the way I am doing it (not mixed with the crosslinker, and hammered for pressure-not a sole press). I like the hold on the Renia Cologne, but the toxic smell makes me want to pass out! Can anyone please recommend a cement for me to use? Some of my concerns are, once dry and set, and shoes get wet, or in the freezing weather that it still holds. Seems from other forums that Leatherweld would not be good once it freezes? Thanks so much and best regards, Faye **see pics where glue is coming apart at the waist
  3. Hi All, I was wondering if anyone has used Aquilim 315 in lasting shoes? and for soles? How does it holdup when it gets wet? Is it easy to remove when it gets on the finished part of the leather? Does it hold up well for soles? Does it need the waterproofing solution to be used for shoes? Much appreciated...
  4. Thanks so much! So inspiring and educational....beautiful work.
  5. Thanks Joe and SOS! The bottoms were sewn on a machine that can go thru the midsole, welt, and another sole.... and if anyone knows of a sole presser to buy....please let me know! Faye
  6. Hello All... Firstly, I am so happy to have found this helpful forum where I've read thru no less than 500 posts for various things! What a great community. I learned to make shoes while living in Barcelona, from a shoemaker who made beautiful bespoke men's dress shoes and ONLY spoke Italian/Spanish/Catalan. Needless to say, I only have small household type fluency in Spanish and I feel like I am missing some holes in my education that I'm hoping this community can help confirm/deny some thoughts. His terminology was also quite different from what I see in the US. -insoles- use buffed 5-7 iron shoulders or 7-9 iron bends? -midsoles and outsoles (cemented construction)- 8-14 iron? -toe puffs- 4-5 iron belly? - Does anyone have a US contact for Oak Bark Tanned sole bends that are not too expensive (less than $15/lb)? -Please oh Please! Does anyone know where I can find a premade sole press outside ebay, craigslist? Not one of those crazy industrial machines, just a frame with an inflatable bladder for small manufacture? -Does anyone know where I can find premade, fake welts, stitched in the US? I have searched Southern Leather, RJF, Springfield, Wickett, Zack White, Hide House, Goliger, Maverick, leathercrafttools.com, Southern Leather, Cobblersupplies.com, JR leather, J and FJ, Ohio Bag, even Tandy.....I live in Philadelphia, and online is great. Here's a pic of my first shoes made. Any help or info is greatly appreciated, Faye
  7. I'm in Barcelona part of the year and learned to make shoes there...I get some nice leather at Curtits Jose Garcia on Carrer Hospital, 49 in Raval. Also Curtis Rosas off Carrer Princessa in Borne/Ribera.
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