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Everything posted by SmokeyPoint

  1. Very nice! Although, now I can't get the mustache song out of my head.
  2. No, it's legit. Amazon saw the success of Etsy and said "Me Too!" http://www.wsj.com/article_email/amazon-targets-etsy-with-handmade-marketplace-1432332301-lMyQjAxMTE1NDI5MjMyMTI2Wj http://services.amazon.com/handmade/handmade.htm
  3. I use Mod Podge. I think it's basically elmer's glue, but you can get it from Amazon. I apply it thinned with water just a bit just like edge coating, let it sit until it turns completely clear, then burnish with a slicker. It's a glossy coating, but it's strong and flexible. I have a front-pocket wallet in my pocket right now with edges that look just as good as they did a year ago when I made it.
  4. +1 on the loctite, but only when fit and finish are completely done. If you do it right, you'll destroy the Chicago screw if you have to get it apart after the loctite sets, because it will spin and only vice grips will hold it tight enough to break it free. Go ahead, ask how I know that.
  5. For flat templates, go to Costco and look for the non-corrugated cardboard they use to separate layers of Gatorade cases on the pallet. They'll let you take them home for free, and they're almost as stiff as bag stiffener.
  6. Mine are done with an upholstery leather, a couple pieces of stiffener, and a pigskin lining. They take a TON of time and materials compared to the Orvis folio you reference. They're my #1 selling item, but I don't need to really make money at this yet, as I still have a day job. For wholesale, I'd go with the thicker, firmer leather -better profit margins. -Sean
  7. Very nice. If I ever get enough vacation time to get back after the big birds, I'll have to make one for myself.
  8. I just bought from them a couple months ago. It seems like they "have what they have." And it was a long process to actually get an order in. They tell you what they have, you tell them what you want, then the tannery has to measure what you're getting and it takes time. I love the leather I got, for the most part. But next time, I'm going to try Wicket and Craig.
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