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Everything posted by megabit

  1. megabit

    Another hatband

    If I beveled the main body string, it would have been on the hair side. Truth be told I can't recall if I beveled it or not. If I did I may have just barely nicked the corner off. I am still getting used to the new tool and being able to bevel at all. Yes, the ground work makes a big difference on how the buttons turn out. I think the main problem with these is the quality of my terminal knots underneath. Thanks for all the help guys, without it my stuff would still look like it was done by a kindergarten kid.
  2. megabit

    Another hatband

    The band is a 4 plait of about 60". The other buttons are Spanish ring knots. I used standard terminal knots wrapped in florist tape for the ground work of the pineapples. A rather simple project really. One thing that is certainly helping my braiding is my new string cutter/beveler/splitter from WhiteBuf (cutter thread).
  3. megabit

    Another hatband

    I am fairly happy with everything but the pineapples. They are better than I could have done a month ago, but they don't seem like they are up to the standards of most around here. They seem good enough I likely won't cut them off but I do know they could be better. This braiding is almost like riding horses, no matter how much you improve there is still a long ways left to go. What do you guys think?
  4. megabit

    scarf slides

    Lines look nice and straight, shape looks good. I can't find anything to pick at, good job.
  5. megabit


    Will do, but I don't get in there very often. I do recall them saying they used to have a braiding class, but not anymore. I guess it would be a long commute from the Dakotas. Man I am about tired of SoCal myself, just addicted to the paycheck. I would like to move to somewhere in ION(Id, Or, Nv), might actually be able to swing it in a year or so if I can get work to let me work remote.
  6. Yeap that is it, here are a pic from that thread:
  7. I have been meaning to post this for awhile now. I bought one of WhiteBuff's string cutter/beveler/splitters and I am very impressed. This thing works like a charm and is well built to boot. Thank you for building such a good value. Mike
  8. megabit

    Bull's Pizzle

    I think a septic pencil is alum, you might need a lot of them though.
  9. megabit

    Gaucho Braid???

    Hey, we are all hear to learn and help others. I would say leave the post, you are not the only one who is ever going to hit this question.
  10. megabit

    Gaucho Braid???

    You will have to wait for someone else to give you a good answer, but one thing that kinda stands out is that 10 is not divisible by 4 like 4/8/12/16 are.
  11. Thanks, at least I was on the right track. Now I just need to work on it. I think I'll cut up some paracord and do some prototypes and practice to get the patterned down better before I take the time to cut up string again. I am getting fair at the knots but my plaiting still sucks. This place is great, I think without the help I get here I would have tossed the towel in long ago.
  12. Anyone have any tips for making this transition? How about a tutorial or a book with instructions? (if it is a book I hope I have it aready ) I made a honda last night 8 plait without a core was no problem. Then I got to where I wanted to join the ends and go 16 plait over a large screw driver (to be removed later). I noticed that Grant doesn't seem to have a 16 plait example. I assume it should go U2 O2 U2 O2, is that right? Man was mine ugly. I covered it up with a pineapple and Spanish ring, I'll post a pic tonight. I think I missed the last run on the pineapple but the knot was just to tight to go further. Mike
  13. Thanks Sidney, it looks like it to me. His instructions would have been easier if he told you to tie the 6B turks head first and then do the interweave like Grant does. But they do both get to the same place. Mike
  14. It does a fairly good job of explaining the concepts so you can figure out how to make the knots bigger or smaller. However it doesn't have the step by steps pics, just O1 U1... and that is enough sometimes but for knots I am not familiar with the pics are sure nice.
  15. Page 58/59 he talks about a knot he calls the W knot. Is this the same knot others (like Grant) call a Gaucho knot? If so his instructions are sure harder than tying the foundation knot and adding the Gaucho interweave. Mike
  16. megabit

    Hat band

    Nice like always Alan. I have seen this hat band in the flesh er or should I say in the hide. The pictures don't do it justice. Mike
  17. Look a little closer this tool splits too: I think I see one of these in my future.
  18. megabit

    Hat bands

    Sweet! What flat braid is that?
  19. Neat tool. I don't think I have ever seen a beveler quite like that one. I like the looks of this version even better than the one recently on ebay.
  20. Well I sure like what I see of the Hansen and it has a hell of track record, but on the other hand I sure would like to keep 300 more dollars in my pocket and this does look like it would do the job. Certainly better than my $10 lace maker I have been using.
  21. Hmmm the Hansen looks like it uses standard injector type blades like the cheap plastic lace maker does, also fairly easy to get. Not as easy as the box knife ones though. I do like that the Hansen splitter uses a blade you sharpen vs toss and replace. The disposable ones are sure easy though. I would love to see more pics of this one though. Is it the maker selling it on ebay or someone else? Does he have a website?
  22. megabit

    Hat bands

    Nice, and that reminds me I need to make another one.
  23. Cool I am waiting with baited breath. The one thing that tends to give me pause is that is stresses that it is for thin hide. Not sure how thin his thin is?
  24. Any body have opinions on how this one stacks up against the Hansen? It is certainly more affordable.
  25. Got Woolery's book today, it looks like it has a lot of good info in it. Lost my perma lok needle the other day so I need to get some more. I ran across what may be the first knot I tied in rawhide about a year ago. Here it is next to one I tied the other day, can you tell which is which?
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