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About russell

  • Birthday 07/31/1958

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    wilson, north carolina

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
    western holsters

russell's Achievements


Member (2/4)

  1. i dont know how to do masks but ive seen really good ones on the website deivianart.com
  2. sewing would be the best way like the indian headdress feathers were sewn on
  3. we had to have them to kick the british out of here
  4. looks like its all the above also would be good for cutting meat and veggines for someone thats had a stroke or an physical impairment
  5. you can also look at someone that does marb le counter tops too
  6. youd do better with thin stainless steel
  7. when it comes to seats david your the guru
  8. tim you keep doin fine and pretty work like this youll be ready to win something at sheridan
  9. looks great as always good job keep them seats on the road
  10. i use dished washers and chicago screws
  11. you could use some fiebing saddle oil to put some oils back into the leather let it dry and then use fiebings leatherbalm with atom wax on the outside to waterproof and seal the outside
  12. this is a new on for a customers 9mm ruger auto
  13. thank you tim your comment means a lot its a crossdraw hes a short guy with a lot of barrel
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