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  • Location
    Stephenville, TX
  • Interests
    Rodeo (bareback horses and team roping), Guitars and Music, Leather, Painting.

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  • Interested in learning about
    How to improve my skills and become a better leather craftsman.
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    The internet

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  1. These are a completely different set up, much more heavy duty, covering a much larger area, and have to be able to absorb the blow of a kick from a buckin horse so they need a rubber or foam padding in them.
  2. stelmackr thanks for taking the time to look that up.
  3. Just seeing if anyone has a pattern for pickup man shin guards, and more looking for info or tips on what types of leather are best for cover and lining, and best kind of padding. I've worn them, just never paid a while lot of attention to all that. Thanks.
  4. Dink, I'm working on my first pair of shotguns right now and was pretty puzzled about how to tie off the lacing piece. Your explanation helped me out a ton, thank you!
  5. No this is the interior I'm using, its the 6 pocket deluxe
  6. I'm using the springfield deluxe wallet interiors for my bifolds, for now, but the dimensions they give for the backing turns out a very large wallet. Do any of you have any advise on where to cut down on the size of ways to tweak the interior to be able to produce a smaller wallet?
  7. I've been having the same problem with the Wyosheen taking off my black fiebings oil dye. I've tried letting it sit for multiple days, tried doin very light coats, tried buffing, I oil it, but it still pulls the dye out of my leather. Has anyone found a solution or talked to sheridan leather bout this yet?
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