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About Discgolfer

  • Birthday 07/05/1962

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    Amarillo, Texas

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  1. Still available??
  2. Hi... just a helpful comment. You're about 120.00 away from where this would sell on most sites..... When Tandy has a sale on tools, you can pick those 9 up "new" for 6 bucks, and the swivel knife is their Basic swivel.. Just tryin' to offer some advice to help you sell those. Best of Luck!
  3. FUDGE!!!! Can't win for losing!!!
  4. Hi.. Please don't take this in a harsh way, it is not intended as such... however, I think you're about $300.00 on the high side of what you would probably get out of all this if you placed it on Ebay.. Somewhere in the $75.00(ish) range sounds about like the top I'd expect. Just wanted to give you my thoughts from experience on Ebay for something like this. Hope you see this as "helpful".. Best of Luck, John
  5. Sent you a Message.. Thanks!
  6. I wish I was experienced(skilled) enough, and had enough to do, to make the cost of purchasing GOOD tools and stamps from someone other than Tandy... BUT, Tandy has put the brakes on my desire for Leathercrafting period, thanks to them becoming Corporate Pigs, instead of a Profitable Company still LOYAL to people in the craft!! I did some leatherwork as a young man.. but once out of High School, Girls and Drinking made it not so cool.. So didn't get back into it until 20 years later.. Found the new store in my city that they opened after the old one had been closed years before. I became a Wholesale Club member (GOLD), as it was a nice way to save some money.. WELL... Tandy "obviously wasn't making enough money this way, so they stopped the initial Wholesale Club, and came up with the "Elite".. Gold Membership was/is $35.00 a year... When they started the "?Elite?" level, they essentially just increased the PRICE of Gold Membership Benefits/Savings and gave it a different name.. charging $150.00 a year for the "SAME" (or sometimes worse) discounts as they had been giving the Original GOLD Members... then, the $35.00 a year Gold Members got shafted, and now had to pay MORE for the same items than they/we had been paying in the past? I contacted Tandy Corporate numerous times after their change... whenever a new SKIVER came out... asking them why as a GOLD member I was having to pay MORE than in previous years??? At first they told me I wasn't/Gold members weren't paying more... then when I cited examples, they told me that "their" costs had increased.. When I showed them 30 items that had been the same price for 2 years, but now cost Gold members more than it had in the past, and that now, to get 25 of those 30 at or near the price we had been able to, I/We had to pay the $150.00 a year and become an "?Elite?" member?!?! They took the information I gave them, and this is what they did.. they told me "Sorry, that's how it's going to be.. If you don't like the NEW Wholesale Club Memberships, you can get your Membership Refunded... Am I the ONLY person that has seen this/been impacted by this??? I guess what makes this worse for me, is I am disabled and unemployed now, and there's a snowballs chance in hell I can afford they regular sales prices, and I can't afford their $150.00 a year so I can get the benefit of pay affordable prices... I've asked if they would/could be willing in offering Military/Veteran or Disabled Membership Discounts, but Local Store Manager sent me to Corporate again, and when I got ahold of Corporate to ask, they chose to NOT return my messages(which were sincere and pleasant).., and on after 3 weeks of calling 1 time only each week, I was told that the decision for something like that was up to the Store manager??? So?? ANY HELPFUL RECOMMENDATIONS/IDEAS???? THEY WOULD BE GREATLY APPRECIATED!!! Thanks!! John
  7. If you're sending PAPER patterns, I could almost see the $20.00 charge.. But ??? $20.00 for a pdf??? i mean, nice bag, but???
  8. Let me know if you'll drop to half that.. ... that's the only way I could touch 'em. Thanks
  9. HEY Haven't heard back from you concerning the Craft Aids... LMK, thanks! John

  10. Hey.. If they "retail" in Stores for $64.99, how much will you be selling them to us??? I am interested in a set for my Dremel, so please let me know at your earliest convenience.. Thanks! John
  11. Hi... would also like to see pictures of them (please show condition(s) of plastic..) Thanks! jewelryman@collector.org I have the following vintage Craftaids for sale. Many are copyrighted 1953. I can email photos to those who are interested if you do not know the Photo Carve for these. 2014 2080 2046 2100 2101 2230 2260 2340 2350 2360 2410 2480 2670 2950 2980 3000 3020 3220 $8.00 Each or all for $135.00 Shipped. Willing to group for buyers who want multiples. $4.95 USPS Priority Shipping for one or multiple.
  12. Hey Ed.... is there a chance you could post up some pictures of the different mauls.. mainly for those of us who haven't experiences what the mauls you make look like?? Thanks! John
  13. Hi Joe, I wonder if you would consider making a trade... ... Would you be interested in some nice pieces of "Alibates Flint"... for some shaped Desert Ironwood, and or having you take the Desert Ironwood, and replacing the handle on a knife(or 2)??? And if you happen to have Desert Ironwood pistol grips already configured for a Ruger P89... I also have some nice looking varied colored pieces of petrified wood as well. Do let me know at your earliest convenience. thanks for your time and consideration. If I get a reply before Thanksgiving.. cool! If not - Have an enjoyable Thanksgiving!! Regards, John Martin
  14. Hi.. same question!! I tried to PM you to find out, but it says you don't accept PM's??? Settings may be off.. LMK when you can, thanks! John
  15. Hi... It looks like you've had not offers... I recommend you take a peek at E-bay to get an idea concerning how much you could reasonably ask for the items you have listed. I do sincerely wish I could get $10.00 for some of my duplicate/older Crafttool stamping tools... Once you take a look at e-bay let me know if you decide to drop your pricing, as I may have an interest.. Thanks, regards, and hope I helped some... John
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