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Posts posted by Drac

  1. tina

    believe me, I have nothing against using fuzzy (I used a snazzy leopard print hair on hide occasionally). I just thought it didn't tie in with the dragons. doing the sides in the tri-weave or a scale pattern would've seemed to have been more complimentary to me. oo! or a big pile of treasure! and when ya do enter a leather show lemme know so I won't enter too and get stomped by your great work! :)

  2. first one?!?!?! FIRST one?!?!?! oh great googaly moggaly! ya gonna give the rest of us newbie mask makers a complex! ack! think I'm gonna go cry now and toss me masks out. :P *L* that's a great looking piece! now make a monkey. and a cat. and a horse. and a duck billed platypus. LOL

  3. broncobuster

    that was kinda my intention with this one. was hoping everybody would post up what they'd come up with to make out of scrap instead of just color swatches/spreaders/need something to write on quick pieces. that way I'd have new ideas to steal... er, borrow... um, I mean get inspired from. *L*

    so come everybody! put on those thinking caps (I'm sure someone's wil fit over his tinfoil one) and get ta thunkin'! leathercat's coasters, mine and jeff's barrettes (gee, that just sounds kinda odd :P), what's next? I've got a couple more uses for me scraps too, but we need more on here! let's get those hamsters a-runnin' and those wheels a-turnin'! :)

  4. jsut

    nope, no stiffening. cut, case, carve, airbrush, seal with super sheen. used 1/4" punch for the holes so the sticks have just enough room to slide in but still have enough friction to hold 'em in place. the leather's 5-6 oz veg tan.


    thanks! I've got a ton of scrap (okay, maybe only half a ton) so I gotta come up with ways to use it that'll hopefully make either money or somebody happy when they get it.

  5. roo

    thanks! something like this might be nice for little leathercat to practice on and give her friends.


    danke! I got the sticks at tandy, but I know you find all sorts from plain like this to fancy around at different places. sally's probably carries 'em too. know lots of chics who get fancy looking chopsticks to hold their hair up, so one of these in an oriental motif with a chopstick or 2 would be snazzy. think I'll have ta try that one now. :Panyway, what I was trying to say with the last statement before the idea bug tagged me, was that if it's the right size, it'll work. I almost got a dowel and a pencil sharpener to do the sticks with.

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