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Doug Mclean

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About Doug Mclean

  • Birthday 09/10/1959

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Miles City, MT

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    saddle maker
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?

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  1. I agree with Tim on the lettering. Very clean work.
  2. It's been some time ago. Weaver Leather had some braided poly halter rope but I think it was 3/4" diameter. They sell two styles so watch the braid pattern.
  3. I'm looking for a supplier for some midrange priced silver conchos and other pieces.
  4. Nice clean work Mark. I like the makers stamp. I'm always trying different ways to dress up the border. Looks good. DMcLean
  5. I like your creativity. Most things that work started from someone's need. Looks to me like you did a remarkable job with few tools.
  6. Hi Bruce. Nice work on the rope can. I too can remember when the galvanized tin cans were the real deal. Wish we could still get some of the grass ropes we had back then. Very nice work. D McLean
  7. Does someone have these tools online? Would like to see the impressions. Thanks.
  8. I have been adding a few of Barry's stamps as I go. No doubt the quality is unsurpassed. I don't seem to get enough time spent doing leather work!! Seems like I get driven every year about this time. Wonder if it has anything to do with the weather ???
  9. I know the older craftool stamps are made of a higher quality than some of the stuff out there today. What compares that is available now?
  10. Hope everyone is having a Happy New Years! Thank you for your feedback. Always got to check and see if there is something new. Most everyone here is sleeping with their snow shovels just so they can get out of bed in the mornings. (not quite that bad!!!) Dang sure has got winter.
  11. Hello from Montana: Been a while! Hope everyone had a nice holiday. I'm just about to finish a leather cover for a rope can. What works the best for glueing these in place? Barges is what I have on hand. I have used this in the past and gotten by. Just wondering if there is something better out there? Also planning on some silver conchos. Can you get away with drilling a hole in these without them cracking in between over time? (The lids) Thank You!
  12. Thanks again for everyone's help. When you sit in this saddle the cantle seems to be more straight up and tends to push on you just above your pockets. When a tree is ordered with this tall of a cantle. What would be the normal amount of dish?
  13. Thanks for the picture Gordon. This tree had a 16 1/2" seat 5" cantle w/ 1 1/2" dish. I ended up building my own strainer and didn't have much if any shape to it. Is there some place you can get a strainer for an extra long seat? This whole project has been an attempt at replicating a saddle that the customer already has from another maker. The tree measurements were the same and the tree maker the same. The 5" cantle w/ 1 1/2" dish seems like it might have been causing some of the problem. Thanks again for the help.
  14. Thanks Keith and Bruce for the quick response. Do you mind me pestering you with some more questions?
  15. These are the pictures of the remake on the groundseat. I'm interested in all of the feed back I can get, so if you see anything at all. Thanks in advance!!
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