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  1. The Singer 18-2 can sew dog collars and harnesses? The leather is about 3.5-7 mm. What about the needles and threads(nylon bonds) for this type? What`s the max size for needle and thread? I`m asking you because i`ve found this Singer 18-2 with 280$ and i want to know if suits me or not. Thank you!
  2. Have you try it? How thick can sew? If you use for leather it with a single needle, its a bad thing?
  3. Thank you, guys! Its easy for me to make the speed reducer, i think there is no problem if i use aluminum, right? Yes, i have to use its a 10 mm belt and i will buy some good quality belts, don`t worry!
  4. 37mm-160 is 1:3 reduction and 37mm-160mm is different, you mean 1:4? How come? The values are equals, no?
  5. Absolutely you are right! My "question" was about these 2 diameters.. It will make the machine more powerfull with a speed reducer 37mm - 120mm? Its enough this raport 37-120 mm or i need a bigger raport between diameters, something like 37-160 mm?
  6. I have the same Pfaff 193 roller foot and i want to sew with a large stitch than my machine usualy can sew(2-4 mm). There is something i can do, like changing the feed dog or something else? Any ideas?
  7. I have taking the idea of user northmound and i want to make myself a speed reducer. I found a pulley, it weight 675 grams, i will need a 13 mm belt, its an aluminium pulley and the owner has measured the outsite not the inside, but you`ll see what i`m talking about. I will need this one, a steel shaft and 2 ball bearings. I have skill so this will not be a problem. What do you think?
  8. And...one question. can i change the sewing machine head pulley with a bigger one not to buy this reducer pulley? It will do the same work without damaging the internals? I`m just asking..
  9. I have to thank to the first guy who initiate the post then, all of you for replays. Very helpfull! Again, thank you! and keep up the good work!
  10. I do understand, but the problem is that i`ve already buyed this Pfaff 193-4. It`s not the same thing like Adler 69? I will not sew same thickness? This Adler 69 its still for sale, but i don`t want to spend more money.. I have an offer for the Pfaff, so what do you recomend? Sell the Pfaff and buy the Adler? From what i`ve already understand, the difference between Adler 69 and 169, is the bobin, who in the case of 169 is a large bobin, right? God, is really hard with these things!
  11. I have that Pfaff 193, but i want to buy a Adler 167-203S, and this is with two needles, this is the reason why i was asking about the "conversion".. I do have a single needle machine and that Jk-servomotor will do the work just fine. I think.. So,about this Adler167-203S and Singer 196K5, they can sew thick? Wich will do a good job?
  12. I really apreciate your pacient.. I was annoing, i bet i was! Even now, i must ask: if i convert a double in a single needle, it will be a very big problem? By the way, today i was buying the Jk 650! :D
  13. It`s okay to convert Adler 167-203S)2 needle) in a single needle sewing machine? What`s the worst case scenario?
  14. Thank you for your replay! The problem is like this: that 167 was sold, but i have another one 167, the owner doesn`t know what subklass is, but tomorrow will send me some pictures. So, if the hook is broken or not workin, i`m screw, right? I`ve already bought one Pfaff 192 and another Pfaff 193 and i have to test them. Its hard to believe that these two german tanks can`t sew what i need: 5-6 mm dog collars. I can`t find manuals for them, maybe you can help me. Anyway, i`ve just talk with a jk servo motor dealer from my town, and he ask me 140 euro for Jk 560 750w. Now...i have to ask: why the type with needle positioner is so wanted? What`s the big difference? From what i know, the motor with needle positioner leaves the needle up, right? So..what`s the problem if the needle remain in material?
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