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Posts posted by Yetibelle

  1. 4 minutes ago, Uwe said:

    I stopped by the stand again today to take a closer look. The designer/engineer was there and offered some additional insights.

    The stand is rather over-engineered in a good way. There is a fair amount of complexity because certain parts are customized to the sewing machine head installed on the stand. So you can't just order a dozen of these stands and sell them to a bunch of people with very different machine heads.

    Purely hypothetical, if you were a manufacturer of a certain size and affluence in, say, Southern California, you could just order sixty of these stands, have them loaded onto containers and shipped to the Durkopp Adler NA headquarters in Georgia to be fitted with shiny new identical Durkopp Adler 669 cylinder arm machines and then delivered to your factory. That's the way to do it, purely hypothetical.

    The cost of the stand is only about a quarter of what that Durkopp Adler 669 and Efka drive system runs - a bargain in my opinion, especially if you buy sixty of them.



    So your at this show now - anything else impressive you want to share?


  2. 9 hours ago, Constabulary said:

    Thats the Galaxy 8 of sewing machine stands - very cool - question is do I need it or do I just want it because its cool and do I have the necessary amount of pennies... Personally - I would prefer a crank model!

    Uwe, if you have seen more "space machines" please post em - always nice to see these inventions. So when you are back home there will be an UWE version of this stand soon - right? ;)


    Sure I don't NEED it but yes I want it.  Just like I want this!



  3. 2 hours ago, Trox said:

    Here is a couple of highlift Adler 20-8 (or 8A, not sure) I could get for free some four year ago. The have a monster lift of 40 mm and used as garden ornaments. To bad really, these are expensive machines for the ones who need them.adler20hagepynt.jpgadler20hagep..jpg

    I would not have been able to turn those down for free, but then I have yet to find a machine I don't want.  

  4. Sure I know it's an Adler - I was using the Singer 7-31 for comparison since the head parts look identical and when I would look up the Adler 20 it always had that flat plate on the front of the head mine does' have that.  So since I could not find a picture of the Adler 20-20 that looked like mine I was wondering if it may have started out as an Adler but someone rebuilt it with the Singer class 7 head parts?  No big deal now I just have to get it back togeather and working now.  

  5. I took it apart for cleaning but I will looks for a picture before that. Yes it has the outside foot and the toe-foot and has a 794 single needle.  I can't tell the head setup is any different from the 7-31.  Maybe it was a 20-19 at one point and then rebuilt as a 7-31?  Can that be possible? 


  6. 35 minutes ago, mikesc said:

    Appreciate the thought yetibelle, But..I ( for one ) would rather see links to "guides " and pdfs" etc that do/es not require one to have google account, or create one, or "log into one" ( or an account anywhere else than leatherworker.net )..if any guide or pdf or file is too big to upload here directly,, the mods can do it..
    Same applies to photos..
    Lot of people recently are taking to uploading their images to other sites where to see them you have to accept a whole pile of 3rd party tracking cookies connected to the ads and or twitter, facebook , pinterest cr*p buttons on those sites ( and if you want to get rid of them afterwards they can take a long time removing all of them ) or to be forced to create accounts on those sites to see the images ( and all the ads from people who are not advertising supporters of this forum )..whereas we are all here with accounts anyway..and can upload the guides, pdfs, and photos right here..
    Google docs and google drive ( and other 3rd party sites ) can, and have been used ( very recently in the case of google docs ) to serve malware ..not by you ;-) , but it is not advisable in general to trust links to google docs and google drive..or the MS version of it, et al..
    and search "google docs malware" for further reading..
    and a huge amount of malware gets served by sites that run ads that are not hosted on the sites themselves..like all those photo sharing sites that people here like to upload their photos to.

    Sorry I'm a little confused, but that is normal.  Does the link I added ask you to make a Google account before you can see it?

    I thought I just made is a link to the PDF public and you could get to it without an account?  If there is a better way to share these larger files I am all for it I understand the concern. 


  7. Thanks for the input.  I decided keeping it close to original.  I am missing the model plate.  I'm not even sure what model it is?  It is built like a Class 7-31, with the long hook shuttle and the head parts.  If one of you know the exact model I can make a plate for it. Thanks






  8. So the little wheel in the big wheel, when you let that loose - it disengages the needle feed so you can wind a bobbin without the needle going.  Then you put it back to sew regular.  Since it "kinda moves" it means that there is hope.  But if you oil it up it may come right back.  Since you have a primary working machine, this will not be an improvement, just an alternate machine. 

  9. Hmmm - so that would be a 99 model.  Does you machine look like that, or actually is that, because the 99 home machine also looks like 66 and about 10 other Singer machines?  You should be able to turn the hand wheel.  You will need to get some sewing oil, it could be just frozen and the oil will help.  There is a silver dial in the middle of the wheel see if you can turn that.  That may be on to tight or wrong and locking the machine up. 

  10. The old off-set screw drivers work really well, I have torqued on some of those flat head screws and they don't move, then I tried the off-set and they come right out.  I wish I could find them in every size  Don't forget the magnet tray, they are so handy. 




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