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About KCB346

  • Rank
  • Birthday 07/06/1968

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Hopkinsville KY

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Custom Holsters and leather work
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    Internet search

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  1. I’d like to see a video of this technique.
  2. Here it is. Had to crop it. I use an airbrush, but have never used stencils. Good idea on the wood grain. I’ll try it. Thanks.
  3. This is what I’m looking to accomplish. I hate wasting leather trying things and there is no need to reinvent the wheel when someone knows. Well that didn’t work. I tried to upload a photo, but it’s too big I guess.
  4. I’ve tried to search the net to avoid asking, but now I must. How does one get theb pooled/woodgrain/streak effect in dyeing or staining?
  5. Thanks for the info. I got it started, but it blew 3 fuses. Opened it up and found one of the little components was broken. Ordered a new control board.
  6. My motor is a 110v. Does it matter th voltage or amperage?
  7. Thanks for the info. I hope they have them at Lowe’s.
  8. I recently purchased a juki lu563. It came with an extra motor, a enduro pro sm645-1p. It was missing the fuse cap and fuse. I contacted enduro and they can’t tell me what amp fuse is used with this motor. Does anyone know what amp buss fuse is used with this motor? I’d like to get it running. thanks
  9. I recently purchased a juki lu563. It CSM with an extra motor, a enduro pro sm645-1p. It was missing the fuse cap and fuse. I contacted enduro and they can’t tell me what amp fuse is used with this motor. Does anyone know what amp buss fuse is used with this motor? I’d like to get it running. thanks
  10. I know I have to remove the center presser foot. But would I have to remove the outer presser foot as well?
  11. Has anyone ever replaced the thread take up lever on a juki lu562/563? What needs to be done?
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