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Everything posted by Petewon

  1. Just finished this one folks. I really like the colours on this. Still a few mistakes here and there but getting better. Sorry about the bombardment of pictures
  2. Well it comes on small 50m spools so is quite curly when when you take it off the spool. It has a flat profile and is quite a bit thinner compared to my usual 632. My initial thoughts are that with the flat profile it doesnt allways lie the same giving what looks like thinner stitiches in places. I'll spend a bit more time with it and see how i get on. I do like the fact i dont need to spend near £30 on a full spool of a colour im never going to use that much of.
  3. I think the orange is main and the beige is sully. The iron is just one of those cheap chinese sets and yes they are 8tpi, not bad for the money. Yes I punch and stictch from the inside out. I find it easier to straddle the punch over pocket tabs this way. It is nice when using the same colour inside and out as you can pick a thread which doesnt stand out too much. Dont get me wrong I love a contrasting thread but its not very forgiving. I was using some new Au chinois thread for this and the jury is still out. It comes on smaller spools than the lin cable so quite a bit cheaper. In total it worked out as 3. The outer, inner and pockets (which make up one).
  4. Hi kevin, the tabs but up against one another, they dont overlap. This ensures that all three pockets only build up to one layer of leather if that makes sense. A bit hard to explain really. Hi Bob, I just cut the edge as smooth as possilbe then sand and paint. I can usually get it smooth but following this process 3 times.
  5. Thanks very much for the comments everyone. I buy it from Alran in france.
  6. Knocked this up for my mother the other day. It was nice to work on something quite simple.
  7. Thanks for the kind comments folks. Heres another one I finished last week. This has been used so a bit dusty now. I used a propper camera this time
  8. Thanks The yellow is goat and the black is calf. No I didn't dye this one. I spent a fair bit of time trying to get the same finish dying it myself, even investing in an airbrush and compressor. The finish was good but quite a bit of fuss, not as durable and worked out about the same price as I can get it dyed at the tannery.
  9. Thanks, I was just editing the post. More pics added. I'll will put a few more up of other ones I've done when I can get them uploaded.
  10. Hi folks, I thought I'd share with you a few pics of my latest wallet. Not everybody's cup of tea but I'm quite happy with it.
  11. Cheers for the info. I reckon i'll purchace that setup tomorrow.
  12. Ok so I've just watched Ian Atkinsons video on airbrushing and it seems I won't need the gun, the airbrush should do what I'm after. I reckon I'll go with that setup from ebay.
  13. Thanks for the welcome and the tips folks. Well I jumped the gun a little and popped out to buy the compressor today. It was a cheap AS18 type compressor and the chap assured me it would not work with a spray gun which was what I wanted to use. Something to do with the CFM not being high enough in the compressor?? So the question is, should I need to use a spray gun or can I get away with an air brush? It will be used for wallets so perhaps just covering leather maybe 5 inch. I assumed the gun would have a wider spread so would cover the full 5 or so inch with just one pass whereas the airbrush would take a few strokes to cover the leather and maybe be prone to streaks. Any ideas or reccomendations on a setup would be much appreciated. I'd like to keep it under £100 if possible. Funny thing is I'm sure I've seen a video on YouTube of a AS18 used with a spray gun and getting great results. Who kows! Thanks again. Edit: Could I get away with something like this? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/AS-186-Complete-Airbrush-Kit-Compressor-With-Tank-/200600974912
  14. Hi Odin, yes I an dampening the leather first. I'm using feibings spirit and oil dyes and applying with a sponge. It's mainly lighter colours im having issues with. I've tried reducing the dye but still get inconsistent results. I'm going out tomorrow to buy a compessor and airbrush which I'm hoping will solve the problem. Thanks :-)
  15. Have you tried http://www.neumannleathers.com It's in Bury so not too far from you. I popped in last year and and picked up a few bits. It seemed to be mainly upholstery leathers but the owner was happy to show me round and gave me a cracking deal on a few bits.
  16. Hi folks, I've been browsing for a few weeks and thought I'd best pop in and introduce myself. I got into leather working last year through wanting to learn to make watch straps. Since then I've moved onto belts, wallets etc. I've learned a great deal already and hoping to learn more by hanging round here. I've already had some great inspiration from the gallery and picked up some excellent tips on edging. I'm a bit stuck with streaky dying at the moment but hoping to sort that out next. Cheers. Pete.
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