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Everything posted by CollinsMS

  1. Hey everyone a little different twist for me. This sheath is 3 layers of leather at the actual sheath part. The belt loop is on continues length of leather that makes the 3 layers. The stitching was done on a Tippmann with thread to match leather color. Hope you like it.Sorry other Pic did not load
  2. Thanks Pella the input you gave is what I was looking for. I have made some adjustments to the web site to clarify a few points. My earlier comment was out of frustration. The average Joe saddle owner will never dig deep enough to find the LEATHERWORKER.NET site and the information on it. I am trying to make information more accessible.
  3. Just forget that I ever put this out as a post. If I could figure out how to delete it I would.
  4. I would like to here others opinions on this also. An old saddle maker told me to never use anything other than the good old yellow saddle soap. That is all I have ever used. I know someone that used an oil called Black Rock and had a terrible problem with mold. The saddles were even kept in a climate controled environment.
  5. It is a simple X lace. I figured the skirts had to be dropped, I couldn't see how anyone could get their hand in there to lace with the skirts on. It should have a new lining so that would be the best time. So if the skirts are off how did they figure the spacing of the skirts to lace them so the lacing is not to tight or loose when the skirts are put back on.
  6. I have a saddle with lacing between the 2 skirts under the rear jockey. I can remove the jockey easy enough, but I can not figure out how they laced the skirts together. If the lacing wasn't bad I wouldn't worry about it, but it is in bad shape. Thanks
  7. I used a water hose and Ivory dish soap with a soft brush for the initial cleaning. Then I use a battery powered MicroDerm Abrasion Kit and saddle soap. This was my wife's idea and it works great. Guy's this is a small soft brush that rotates to cleanse the face.
  8. I considered placing a general question but then ran into a person who has been restoring and making saddles most of his life. He is the one that turned me onto the Ivory dish soap. As soon as I hit the saddle with the hose it looked like an oil change on your car. The oil just ran off the saddle. I took the seat off because I noticed 3 small bumps under the leather. After feeling around on them I decided it must be 3 nails that came loose. It was 3 nails and they came loose because of a crack.
  9. I agree and would like disagree. I agree that the Leatherworker.net has an abundance of information. The problem is there is so much information that it becomes almost impossible to find anything pointed. I love the site, but I searched for several hours and could not find enough information to even get started with my project of restoring a saddle. There is a lot of small parts that many people have put on the site, I just don't have that much time to read all the posts. I do like your suggestion to link leatherworker.net from my site. That is already completed.
  10. Almost to pretty to ride. Great work combining floral and stamped design. Two thumbs up
  11. Hi everyone. I have not been around for a wile posting or reading posts. I started restoring a 1940's saddle and found that there is little to no information on the net to help with this type of project. So I decided to add a section to my web page with an overview of cleaning, gotchas and putting it back together. I just started building the new section of the site and I am still restoring the saddle so I am taking pictures as I go. Take a look and let me know what you think. Opinions are welcome The web site is http://www.theleathercraftsman.com then take a look at the menue This Old Saddle. Thanks
  12. Very nice. The tooling looks great. Any cowboy or cowgirl should be proud to were them. Good job. From: The Leather Craftsman http://www.theleathercraftsman.com
  13. Good job, especially the original design. The deer skin interior is a good touch. http://www.theleathercraftsman.com
  14. I'm not sure there are any other words to use to describe your belt. Everyone has used them. Fantabulous, I will make up a word since everyone else took real words to describe your work. My great uncle had customers like you have. In 1948 - 1949 he made some saddles that had 100 true silver dollars inlayed like conchos. Back then the saddle sold for over 5 thousand dollars. All I have left is a black and white photo of one. It's on my web site http://theleathercraftsman.com under Newell Saddles. I would love to put a picture of your belt in the Gallery section of the web site.
  15. Nice twist on old west tradition. The tooling is top notch, a pattern such as basket weaving is harder than most think. Good job! http://www.theleathercraftsman.com
  16. Wow.. A very proud saddle to put on an iron horse!! Incredible work http://www.theleathercraftsman.com
  17. That is very cool. I listened to the original song at least a dozen times wile putting the design together.
  18. Thanks. I came close to loosing some hair over this one. It is only an 8x10. Some of the things the picture does not show is the stubble of beard on the cowboy's face. The tail on the horse you can feel the swoosh. Thanks again
  19. An island sunset subdued behind the figure would give it a look from the islands. just an idea? http://www.theleathercraftsman.com
  20. Thanks Hedge I am familiar with antiqueing past and rubbing it off, but never tried to then rub in saddler's oil. I have used both to finish but never together. I think we have the first tip for the web site. Thanks http://www.theleathercraftsman.com
  21. This one was difficult to get a good picture of. I can not bring myself to color it. Hope you like it. Thanks http://www.theleathercraftsman.com Have your works posted for free
  22. That is fantastic work!!!! WOW! You should be proud. Great work HTTP://www.theleathercraftsman.com
  23. Thanks for the complement on the web site. I should have told everyone that it is free to post items on it. Thanks http://www.theleathercraftsman.com
  24. One of the best belts I have seen on the net. I would like to feature it on my web site. Please take a look. Thanks https://www.theleathercraftsman.com
  25. Wow this one is also great Gary. Once again I would like to put this one on my site. www.theleathercraftsman.com. Let me know
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