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Everything posted by iron1951

  1. The 51w44 is one of four machines I recently purchased. It looks like it has not been used for years. The wheel would not turn completely around, the problem, thread jammed around the bobbin and hook assembly. So I started taking the post apart. The wheel turns completely around now. Cleaning as I go. Here is a pic for those who might be interested.
  2. Thank you. Never heard of Wawak before. Going to bookmark it.
  3. Thanks to all. Not sure which route to go yet. Waiting upon needles.
  4. I forgot about McMaster-Carr. They have round belts but they ain't cheap.
  5. I am familiar with the 3/8 v belts. I use one on my consew. But I have two "neat looking" bobbin winders that I don't think will work with the v-belt.
  6. I need a belt for my 108w20. The hand wheel pulley and the bobbin threader pulley look like they take round belts, not V-belts. Where can I get round belts? Any other options? At this time the 108w20 is not in a table so I don't know belt length. Is it possible to make up a belt, to a custom length, like they do for the singer treadle machines? Thanks
  7. Thanks again. That is great information. Is all this information, both posts, from one book?
  8. I think I got the hang of needles now. Needle size depends on thread diameter. For example for a 69 thread I would use a 16/100 or 18/110. Its the class-variety that would mess me up. For my machines I am going to need 135x17, 135x1 and a 128x3. The https://ismacs.net/needle_and_shank/needle-cross-reference-chart-round-shank.html helped me pick out manufacturer's numbers. Not all manufacturers carry all classes. I was guessing one size fits all, like the domestic machines. Wrong. So I am on my way to purchase the correct needle for each machine.
  9. Bert51, thanks for the link to ismacs.net. What a comprehensive data base. Does anyone know if there is a cross-over data base for sewing machine needles? Where would be a good source for purchasing needles? I would really like to know more about sewing needles.
  10. Back in 2015 I joined this great group because I wanted to sew boat seats and I had bought a Consew 226 and knew nothing about it. I got some great help through the members and my machine is up and running well. My wife loves to use it too. Since then I have gotten the sewing machine bug. My latest purchases (4) are 108W20, 21W30, 51W44 and 51W55. These are all rough machines. The 108W20 was semi-seized. So I searched the web and ran across Constabulary’s post on the 108W20. What a beautiful restore. Loved his motto ~ Keep "OLD CAST IRON" alive - it´s worth it ~. And since my avatar is iron1951 (iron was my nick name from high school) I feel it is my duty to restore. I am going to need some help. I could use some links to good quality adjusters’ manuals. And my big problem right now is appropriate needles. I broke the one in 108W20. Have no spares. I am not sure if the needle in the machine was the correct one. After I adjusted the hook, on the first rotation the needle broke. It bottomed out as if too long.
  11. Mike G, thanks for starting this thread. Just what I was looking for, a thread about motors. I also have been researching motors but have not bought one yet. I also feel that motors with brushes will run slower and have more torque, but I have no proof. Some motors run upwards to 5,000 rpm which I don't want considering my clutch motor runs at only 1750 rpm and is too fast. Techsew has a 800w motor that runs from 300-1600 rpm but is more expensive and no talk of creeping speed. Personally I have made my own speed reducer to use with my clutch motor which gives me a slow speed and lots of torque. Its great for sewing but sometimes too slow once I get started on a long run. The problem I experience is trying to lift the needle with the wheel. My motor has a brake so I need to depress the pedal "a little" to release the brake. If I depress too much I start to sew again. My perfect motor would be 550 watts (about 3/4 hp), 0-1750 rpm with a pedal that allows me to start slow with the torque to go through thick material (may need 800 watts?). Brake, probably electronic. The brake needs to release so that I can turn the wheel to lift the needle. An optional position sensor that can be added later if I want. Speed control at the on/off switch would be a bonus. The motor should be adjustable for belt tension and backwards-forward to line up the pulleys. The motor does not need to be brushless. I don't want to plug a light into this motor. I don't want to run a speed reducer with this motor.
  12. Nice workmanship on the KG-867 guide installation on your 225. I would like to know if you used a drill press or hand drill to drill the tap holes. Again, nice installation and well documented. Also, do you think that the presser foot with the built in spring loaded edge you showed in your video sewing two pieces of felt together would fit my 226? If so could you pass along the make and model number. Being from a small town everything has to be couriered in and I would hate to order the wrong part. Thanks Anthony
  13. Cowboy Bob Good to know. It ain't broke and I would rather not fix it. But can I get some bobbin holders for it? I'm not sure of the tension spring and I am missing the oiling felt. Would Toledo Industrial Sewing Machines be able to help with new bobbin holder and/or refurb parts? I am from Canada. Thanks Anthony
  14. If I were to change this "bobbin assembly" what parts would I need? Where would I get them from? And how much should I expect to pay? Anthony
  15. Hello everyone. I am a newbie and this is my first post. I have to admit that I am going to be sewing boat seat covers an not doing "leather work" but who knows? Every time I search the web for information on my machine (new to me), I always seem to pull up the LW website. It seems that there are a lot of knowledgeable people here when it comes to the older sewing machines. I am looking for a parts/service manual for my machine. I have downloaded the 226R-1 manual and it is helpful except for my bobbin. That is what is confusing me. My bobbin holder is a Simanco 241676. Is this correct for my machine? The holder does not look like any of the holders that I see on the net. It is sewing okay, stitches good, but I would like to replace the bobbin holders. I have attached pictures (hopefully). Thanks for any info you could pass on. I really don't want to buy the wrong bobbin holders. Thanks Anthony
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