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Posts posted by calanneh

  1. Well, I sold two this weekend.

    The rich brown one as is and the tan one dyed black and satin sheened on the spot.

    I will be dyeing the other lite tan ones black this week and trying to sell them over the next three weekends. I will also be doing a little touch-up work on them with some of the advise from above.

    Not bad for a start!

    Thanks for the input guys!!!






  2. ** chaps .. this is the leather pants motocycle biker wear ? im i right ?*

    Well, anybody riding something big and powerful..bikes, horses etc etc..... ;)

    I started with medivel leather for my own Ren Fest outfit, added in a little Native American for Boy Scouts and then branched out to other types of costume and daily items.

    LW.net may not have a huge resource of medivel leatherworkers or info on the surface, but you will be surprised what you find if you scroll back thru the older threads!!

    Besides, just because the leather is cut into the shape of armour instead of chaps, doesnt mean the process or quality is handled differently!! I have learned a great deal from some of the 'western leather' folks that I have used on my medivel leather.

    Just rememeber, it's all the same leather underneath the dyes!!!


  3. I don't have the link, but I have seen a 'duct tape double' website before. They used the method like in the previous link and made a duct tape cast of themselves, made it nice and smooth and then cut it off.

    They then taped it back together and used that as a double. I am not sure how accurate it is since that were using the outside of the duct tape cast as their double. But they said it worked.

    I will post the site if I can find it again.


  4. I am making stuff out of the leather that I have already purchased. Afterall, it ain't doing any good rolled up just sitting there.

    However, I do not plan to buy any more leather or supplies for Christmas unless I have orders for it.

    So to help answer your question, I ain't making items for stock, just finishing up what I already have with stuff I know I will sell sooner or later.


  5. I'd say follow what 24878 said, put the piece you have cut out on her and see how it looks! Even if you make it from a pattern, fitting it is trial and error as EVERY woman is shaped a little different.... ;)

    This link that Tasha posted in my thread will help you make a custom fitted pattern for your girlfriend:


    I have used this method with everything from bracers, to boots to corsets now. Works great!


  6. The design is from an old Tandy Leather pattern flyer. I will PM it to anybody who would like it, just send me a message and ask for it. I got two other old ones that so with it.

    He wet molded them to give them some shape. He did cut the straps too narrow as he did not pay close attention while he was tracing them. I suggested making new ones, but he didn't want to. After he wears them this weekend and they shift around some in the buckles, he may listen to dad and do a little more design work on them.

    He likes the shiny black leather. I think it reminds him of Darth Vader or the 'dark knight'! He likes to be the 'shiny center of attention'!!!! :P

    You can see pieces of my viking regalia in the following threads:



    One shows my hat (no fur, Texas is too damn hot for fur for 11 1/2 months of the year) and one is my shoes. I will be dyeing them brown like the hat is later this week.

    I have added a belt, a pouch(sporran), wrist cuffs and am working on a leather mug this week. I will post a thread with it all together when I finish it.

    Thanks for the compliments!!


  7. When did each of you learn that powerful lesson of knowing when to stop?? :)

    I am bad about working on a project and then adding just one more little touch.....and messing it all up! I have done it more than I care to admit and I did it agian today!

    I was working on a belt case for my leatherman and I used my stylus to do a nice simple outline of Texas in the leather. Got the leather wet, traced the image a few times, let it dry. It looked very nice, but as the leather dried the lines pulled tighter and smoothed (is that a word?) out a little. It would have been just fine, but being me..I grabbed my stylus and went over it one more time......

    And accidently added an extra loop to the Rio Grande and hosed up Galveston Bay.....LOL!

    I was able to fix it, but once again I proved to myself.....I should of left well enough alone.

    In the attached sword frog pic, I laced this darn thing for over an hour (with pretty good results) and it looked fine the way it was. But then I thought, 'I bet a cool celtic knot stamp would look nice at the bottom'. The stamp slips as I strike it and I get a double image of the stamp!!

    I had to work a bit more and I added a border that kinda masked the double image, but the damage was done. I should have left well enough alone....

    Anybody else care to share?? I know I ain't the only one with this 'just one more' addiction......




  8. This topic came up in a post today and it picked my interest. Not wanting to hijack the other thread as this was not the main subject, I thought I would start a new one. In the original, the poster kind of apoligized for his latest creation being 'simple' and not intricately carved. I thought it was great and so did everybody else that replied. We all know that a 'simple clean' project can be just as beautiful as an intricate carving.....

    I love a 'simple' tool case or sword frog. Clean lines and natural colors get me everytime.

    Attached is a pic of a pliers case I made for a buddy. It has his initials and a US Flag stamp for him, but I love it even without those embelishments. The attached pic of sword frogs shows a few with stamps and lacing and a few 'simple' ones that I love even more.

    What would each of you say to a new Leatherworking about 'when less is more'? Do you have some beatiful 'simple' projects you would like to share?






  9. Here are a few pix of some leather bracers my son made. They are a two piece design with leather 'hinges' on one side and buckles on the other side. He rushed them a little and didn't get the edges burnished real good, but he is learning and it is somehting we have both enjoyed doing together.

    He later took this design and adapted it to make shin guards too. He is working on leather armour gloves right now.

    He plains to wear it all this Saturday at the Tx Ren Fest while I am in my home-grown Viking regalia.....

    I will get pix of us in all our glory and post them!










  10. Hey Zev!

    I helped a few young ladies make corsets for halloween and for Ren Fest this coming weekend. I got lotsa advise from Tina and Tashabear.

    The thread is as follows:


    Tasha put a link in that shows how to make a pattern from scratch using a ducttape model and then a link with spiral lacing. Both of these links were a big help and the spiral lacing looked alot better than the standard lacing method like on your running shoes.....

    I made sure their corsets were not overly sexy as they are young, but they came out great and the girls were extremely happy!

    I used regular suede from Tandy for theirs as it is cheap, durable and sturdy and they will be running around all weekend in them at Ren Fest.

    Tina and Tasha are by far the two you should listen too!! LOL They know their stuff. I help the above link to the advise they gave me will help you as well.

    And yes, we do expect pix when it is all done!!!! ;)


  11. I think it looks great!

    I prefer the 'not so fancy' items myself. Most of my pieces are 'rustic' or 'old world' and I sell them jsut fine. I aint making a million bucks and aint looking to....cuz then it aint as 'stress free' hobby.

    Everybody here will tell you, WE ALL are very critical of our own work as we see how it is different than the image we had in mind when we started. That image is not always realistic but we wont listen to ourselves long enuf for it to sink in.

    I have made pieces I thought looked horrible becuase they didnt match that image in my head, but when somebody gushes over it and tells you how they love it....you have to listen!

    Keep posting pix as we all love to see each others work!!!


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