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Everything posted by rustyriggin

  1. I need about a dozen Steel Thumb Break Stiffeners, all the places I find are minimum of 1000, and I'm sure I won't need that many in my life. Does anyone know where to get just 12 or so?? I'm not that picky as to what size, I haven't even designed the holster yet, so I can work around it. Thanks in advance. Rus
  2. Thanks sooo much! You guys are AWESOME!! I used Irfanview, and just freehand traced the edges, but haven't got around to printing it yet, but I'm sure I'll use all of the drawings and see what works best. Thanks again, Rus
  3. Yeah, that method just never has worked for me, but I'll try again, maybe there wasn't enough definition in the other ones to get a good pattern
  4. I need a line drawing of this flower, if anyone can help, it'd be much appriciated. It's off of a 1979 Circle Y Trophy Saddle, I have to recreate the stirrup fenders for my Mom's boyfriend......guess he's not man enough to ride a saddle that has "All Around Cowgirl" on both sides.
  5. Does anyone know where to get an internal locking mechanism like in the Bianchi #81 PDQ holster?? I have been looking for a pic of it to post on here, but it looks like the pics are discontinued also. Thanks, Rusty
  6. You might also want to try rojeleather.com they are a real good source too, a few years ago their shark was around $3.00 sf. I'm sure it's gone up by now, but it's still a place to check out.
  7. Thanks, it means alot, I'm my worst critic.
  8. Thanks for everyones input, but now I need your critique. I made the pattern and put it together so here it is, let me know what may need improving. The next one will be a thumb break, or pancake style, not sure which one will come first. Thanks again, Rusty Sorry about the pic quality
  9. Thanks evryone for your input. This is a sample of the pattern I found that he liked, now I just have to make one 49" long. Thanks again, Rusty
  10. Your right, I wouldn't wear flowers either. I went with a oak leaf and accorns pattern already, but thanks for the input. Now I just have to get it done, it may take awhile especially doing 49 inches worth of it.
  11. True, alot are 2 1/4, but the one he wants made is 2", and the majority of the ones I see in catalogs now are 2". I prefer a 2 1/4 but I don't wear mine with blue jeans and a uniform shirt either.
  12. Hi Luke, there is nothing wrong with them other than I don't have any. Funds are low til I get this thing done, so ordering a book is out for me right now. So I'm counting on you folks in leatherworker land to help me out here. I just need some patterns to show him to get an idea of what kind of floral he wants. I imagine with it being law enforcement he will probably like a oak leaf style, but I can't make that choice for him.
  13. I'm making a 2" Ranger Style duty belt, with matching holster & hancuff case for a deputy, and I just don't have anything I can use for a good floral pattern. I am trying to get some samples to show him, to see what he wants. Any help will be greatly appreciated!! Thanks in advance, Rus
  14. Any help I can get is much needed. I have some experience making holsters, the problem I have is....I can's stand the stuff I turn out, so it's got to be good for me to like it. I'm looking for a plain clothes holster for now, but in about 2 months I will need a duty rig. I have one pattern I made, but until I waste the leather on making it I'm not sure how I will like it, so I'm gettin all the input I can before I start. I have plenty of patience & I'm only working 3 days a week at the Sheriff dept. right now, so I figure between work and leather orders I can get something made. If you have any handcuff case dimensions that'd be great too!!! Not just dimensions but overall pre-manufactured dimensions. I have to make 3 Ranger style duty belts, and I'll post some picks when I get one done. Thanks again, Rus
  15. I got this gun for Christmas, and they are so new that nobody manufactures a holster for it. Its an American Tactical Imports C45, a .45 caliber with a 4 3/4 inch barrel. I was just wondering if anyone might just happen to have a holster pattern for it. I know its along shot (pardon the pun) but any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance, Rus
  16. Todd told you to get used to it?? How pathetic is that? Thats like paying top dollar for a sheridan tooling and getting a crooked basketweave. I would find someone named Harper to talk to about the stamp AND Todd!!
  17. David, I think it looks pretty good, and I bet Craig will love it. If it was me I'd say go ahead and make it, cause one thing I've learned about leatherwork is, no matter how good it looks, you will always see the little imperfections, cause you put them there, and that's what makes it handmade. Those little things are why you can charge more. You can't learn from mistakes if you don't make any.
  18. Master Cutting Table 50 W 27th Street, New York, NY 10001 212-254-2781 I don't know ANYTHING about it, but you might try, or call, I just did a search, and it says they have leathercraft supplies and equipment. Hope this helps, if not maybe they will be nice enough to tell you what you need to know, and welcome to the forum!!
  19. I could be wrong(and probable am) but I think it is, at one time Tandy was offering a different one in their catalog, but they put the cart before the horse, and the deal never went through. It was called a Stitchmaster, but other than that I've never heard the name, or seen one in use, now that I think about it, there probably are some in use somewhere, cause there was a picture.
  20. Great looking saddle, I really like the tooling,keep it up. Also WELCOME to Leatherworker.net, glad to have you here. Rus
  21. I use a pint glue bottle from tandy with a brush in the lid. Never had any problems with the brush gumming up, or the lid getting stuck. I would imagine a normal glue pot would work too.
  22. Leather Sheen, or Saddle Lac is what some folks use, if your just looking for what the high shine is, a liquid aerosol spay wax
  23. I use them for my work, and they work great, just put it in a drill, and do it to it. I have snapped the top of off a couple of conchos so be careful.
  24. It really don't matter if you buy a Boss or an electric machine to avoid problems, cause either way, you have to learn how to use the machine. Like anything you have to have a working knowledge of the tool your using.
  25. I think she just wants her money back, and no matter what she will find something to pick apart, also anyone that is smart enough to buy a custom, handmade saddle, knows the difference between a jocky and a fender. I've never seen a saddle without the skirts stitched. You will never make her happy!!!
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