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Everything posted by backtobasic

  1. Hello, please when you have time check on your purschase history. ( My ebay--> Purchase History) Thank you. I have sent email to Bruce but he didn't answer me. If you wan any eshop with pre-owned tools ,let me know. Thank you. It has only this osborne creaser http://www.abbeyengland.com/Store/tabid/77/CategoryID/202/Category2ID/129/List/1/catpagesize/0/Level/2/ProductID/75870/language/en-GB/Default.aspx
  2. Hello buddy how are you? Everywhere in Europe. I said for Europe because all the eshops from USA/or ebay dealers that i find they have 30-35usd shipping cost , and it is very high. I have seen the thread that you send me , and i didn't find any eshop that it has Aussie cream and dixon creasers. The leprevo has Aussie and neatsfoot ( http://www.leprevo.co.uk/aftercare.htm ) but the shipping cost is 25 pounds and it doesn't accept paypal. Patin-a (https://www.patin-a.de/ki/en/Shoe-Leather-Care-73.html ) has neatsfoot but it hasn't aussie , has only J & E Sedgwick´s leather care. I bought some products (fiebing dyes and some finishes) from www.rickert-werkzeug.de but it hasn't aussie. (The sedwick is the same as the aussie? i have read and for some other products: pecard's ,montana pitch blendpaste. All these are for the same work? which is better?) For the creaser , i see some eshops or some ebay dealers that they have the Vergez Blanchard that you told me but i see on pics that they have more sharp and thinner tip than the Dixon and i prefer something with more fat tip in front as to make more heavy marks on leather.After that i want to burn it in alcohol lamp as you told me. I do not find anywhere Dixon.Where i can find? I do not have problem to tell me and eshop from usa but with normal shipping cost What is your opininon may i buy something like this?--> http://brucejohnsonleather.com/files/gallery/watermark/2067/4968__CS_Osborne_2_single_line_creaser__30.JPG Despite i would like to buy one with adjustable- screw creaser.THe only one that i found similar with Dixon is this: http://www.ebay.com/itm/SADDLERS-LEATHERWORK-TOOL-ADJUSTABLE-SCREW-CREASE-MADE-IN-ENGLAND-DIXON-STYLE-/131447591473 What do you think? Thank you
  3. Hello, i am from Europe. I search to find one eshop that it has normal shipping cost and the famous fiebing aussie conditioner cream(it will be perfect if the eshop has and pure neatsfoot oil). Additionally i search to buy one screw-adjustable Dixon creaser but i can not find any eshop that it sells this one. Please if somebody knows let me know. Thank you for your time
  4. Thank you !! .
  5. Hello nrk!!! How are you? Iam afraid for extra custom taxes. Cites are certificates that the leathers are legal and not from poaching.
  6. Hello Handsw !!!!! How are you? Thank you very much for your useful links. !!!! Have a great weekend!! Thanks for your time.
  7. Hello again Oakley !!!! How are you? Thank you very much for your time!!! I am from Europe , so i don't have any problem ιf the wholesaler is from Europe. It is important for me the wholesaler to have various of colors and online eshop , or something easy way as i can to choose and buy. Hello Simon , thank you so much. Iam looking for croco or alligator (i prefer belly alligator that has small texture) , polished stingray , ostrich leg ,shark and maybe and some toad. I wanth these to make watchstraps. So i want the wholesaler to have various colors. I will prefer somebody who has online page as to buy directly from his eshop. (In past i found one wholesaler on ebay but now i dodn't find him - maybe was deleted)
  8. Hello Tina ,thank you again.I am actually searching for various colors of croco,alligator,shark,stingray etc in polished and matte finish.If you see something please tell me. Hello Oakley ,thank you for your suggestions.I search for various colors of croco,alligator,shark,stingray etc in polished and matte finish.Is any tannery in Europe with exotics leathers? I mean more professional suppliers.Thank you again for your time.
  9. Maybe here is the correct place: Hello , i am strapmaker from Europe and i am looking for good and trusty supplier for exotic leathers based in Europe.. Especially i am interested for alligator , croco , shark , stingray and maybe ostrich leg. Of course i need the CITES certificates. Thanks
  10. wow your edges are amazing!!! You are ready man!!!
  11. Hello Tina! How are you? Thank you very much for your help! As i saw it has various of exotic leathers , very nice!!! But it has not shark ,alligator and croco that iam more interested . Do you know any other supplier ? I searched but i didn't find any good online supplier with nice and premium exotic leathers. Thank you
  12. Thank you so Much. 2 coats 50/50. Thanksssssssss
  13. Any idea? please tell me your thoughts.
  14. Hello again , i try to make some watch straps. For finishing product what do you recommend me? (don't forget....it is for watch straps, so i need some good but with natural (not plastic or glossy) touch and good smell) Iam comfused....i saw these: a.leather balm with atom wax ---> http://www.fiebing.com/catalogue/top-finishes/?product=196 b. tan kote --> http://www.fiebing.com/catalogue/top-finishes/?product=198 c. leather sheen aerosol or liquid-->http://www.fiebing.com/catalogue/top-finishes/?product=202 d.water and stain protector spray--> http://www.ebay.com/itm/201444013404 e. 4 way care --> http://www.fiebing.com/catalogue/conditioners-cleaners/ f. Aussie--> http://www.fiebing.com/catalogue/conditioners-cleaners/?product=114 I have already bought Resolene (very glossy) and this but i would like to buy and another product that you recommend me. My leathers are chrome tanned like this but i will dye it in some places with fiebing dyes as to make it to look more vintage. So i need one good finish product because don't want all these dyes to discolor on my wrist. Thank you very much!!!
  15. Hello , i don't have very big experience because i'm in my beginning. So i can't answer you. I am confused with all these different dyes products. When you tell fiebings traditional color spirit dyes do you mean oil fiebing dyes? like this:? For finish which product do you use? ( it is for watch strap so i don't want to let stains or discolor on my wrist. I don't want the finish product to change the color or the texture of the leather) Thanks
  16. Hello i have tha same question with you. Btw can you tell me with which product did you paint black your edges and which product did you use for finish? Thank you
  17. Hello , i am strapmaker from Europe and i am looking for good and trusty supplier for exotic leathers based in Europe.. Especially i am interested for alligator , croco , shark , stingray and maybe ostrich leg. Of course i need the CITES certificates. Thanks
  18. Hello!! When you say spirit dyes do you mean the fiebing oil dyes? I work with chrome tanned leathers as your boots that you send me in other topic. And i would make the leather with more vintage look. You suggest me to use spirit dyes. Does Spirit dyes be oil fiebing dyes? For finish which product can i use? ( it is for watch strap so i don't want to let stains or discolor on my wrist. I don't want the finish product to change the color or the texture of the leather) Thanks
  19. Hello again , thank you very much , and for finish which exactly product do you put? Thanks
  20. Hello mY friend!! Thank you very much for your help and your time. Your work are amazing , i am looking for something like this. Please if you can tell me the method for this result. The spirit based dyes that you told me from where can buy them? Has the fiebing? Any product title it will help me. Do you believe that with stains is it possible to have this result? (or antique paste?) Thank you again
  21. Hello again, how are you? thanks for your help and for your time: Please if you have time help me, it is very important for me because i dont have any other way to find explanations. So if you have time please anwser me the below questions: First of all...as i told ..I want to work with chrome tanned leathers.Especially i want to make watch straps. I woulld like to make my straps to look more vintage like these these leather straps: 1) I have made some tests . Especially i rub the leather with sand-paper in some places of the strap. After in these places i want to change the color (to make it more vintage..) So i want to make them more dark as black or dark brown etc. Which exaclty products can i use for this work? Stains? Dyes? Antique paste? Antique stains? I'am confused. Maybe i need stains and antiques paste that does it stay on the surface of leather? But I found one product at on its label is written stain and antique: What is exactly this product?Which is the difference between this one and stains and antique paste? Additionally i see many products here and iam confused. --->At the point the only i need is one good product black , brown and dark brown to give vintage texture in the places that i have rub before with sandpaper. 2) My second problem : Which exactly product (some easy in use and good) must use for finishing? I afraid of making stain on my wrist when i wear the straps so i need one good product as to not have discolor problem with all these stains/product etc... But i want the color of strap do not become more dark orto have plastic feeling when i apply the finish product . ( additionally my leathers ,chrome tanned when i buy them the painting of the leather from tanniery discolor a little when i use on it a wet fabric ) 3) My third problem: I want to paint the edges as when they are raw.I do not have problem to be smooth but i prefer more rough-vintage style.So my problem is when i cut my edges and then i put on edges fiebing black edge kote. I leave it for 24hours to dry and then when i rub them with one fabric the black painting discolor.I have read that the edge kote is waterproof and for this reason it must not discolor.What is my fault? I try to put tan kote over and let it to be dry but again when the fabric is a little wet the black color leave black stains on fabric. What is your opinion to try resolene or other product? to put it 50%resolene and 50% water? or 100%resolene? What else can i put as to not discolor? (I saw in some videos on youtube that they put something as spray.) -->At the point for my second and third questions i need one good product for finish.(when i apply it my straps does not become more dark or to obtain plstic feeling.) 4) Finally: Can you recommend any good edge creaser tool? must be electric burn creasing or not? any value for money good product? Thank you so much for your time and your help, Panos
  22. Thank you for your help and your time!!!!! Have a great weekend!!!
  23. Hello these straps at the pics that i have attached are chrome leather tanner. With which product can you make it more vintage? With dyes? stains? antique paste or something else?
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