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Everything posted by horselady21

  1. And designer goatskin is on sale next weekend at Tandy for $15 each! Guess I will be stocking up on my way in to Equine Affaire in Columbus!
  2. Thank you both for replying. I originally thought it was a little heavier, like a milled veg tan (I saw some other belts like this that were obviously heavier material), but I think you are correct that these are a thinner leather like goat. Now to come up with a pattern! The not-so-easy part for me!
  3. I want to start making these festival belts, and wonder what kind of leather they are using, or what might be best to use? It looks flexible, almost like a latigo.
  4. I love yyour bag and the fact that you hand stitched it! I don't have a machine to sew even garment weight leather yet, and wanted to make a purse in the worst way, so just found a pattern, cut it out, and am currently hand stitching it! I am also using a hand stitching chisel, but using the same shade thread so it won't be as noticeable if stitches go awry! Thank you for posting and I would love to see more of your work!
  5. Would you sell just the one with the table and if so how much? Thanks!
  6. Hi! I have lurked here for months, admiring the incredibly talented work I see and trying not to become too intimidated by it! I had been a braider for 10 years (kangaroo..mostly tack and bosals) but always wanted to learn leatherwork. So I dove in a few months ago, and really enjoy it. So, here is the first project besides the few I made from the Leathercraft library, that I felt worthy of posting. It actually started as a desk pad project from that site, but as it was for my elderly father, who works crossword puzzles every day from the sofa, it seemed it would be easy enough to make it a lap desk. And so that is what it became. Not perfect, but he loves it!
  7. Hi! I read through some of the very comprehensive info on deciding on a machine, but I am wanting to just occasionally sew a purse or wallet, nothing over 2-3 oz. For instance, right now, I am doing my first purse with some gorgeous garment leather I bought from Weaver, but my regular machine won't even begin to stitch it! So, without spending more than a few hundred (or close), what would someone recommend? Not that I wouldn't love to have one of the top of the line machines, but I actually enjoy saddle stitching the thicker leathers by hand! And for a hobby, I can't justify spending too much. Thanks for any help!
  8. I sell kangaroo leather lace on Etsy. It is 1/8", very fine, beveled and split to level, but the strongest leather available. It is very forgiving, especially for first time braiders, as it can be unwoven and rebraided over and over again. And I am happy to ship to the UK. My user ID is Crescentmune. https://www.etsy.com/listing/254826291/kangaroo-leather-lace-18-hand-cut?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=kangaroo%20lace&ref=sr_gallery_4
  9. I looked for similiar problems in other threads but didn't see anything. I used the Waterstain for the first time yesterday, on dry leather (which is different for me. I always felt that I got a better coverage and depth with wet leather). Anyhow, I shook the bottle, applied it with a wool dauber in a circular motion, and let it dry. It did seem to go a bit thick (which will prompt me to maybe thin it out a bit next time), and when it dried, my project pieces have swirl marks in them. Should I have wiped the excess off before it started to dry? I tried buffing and buffing right after it was dry but nothing changed. I will try to apply another coat to see if it will even it out, but I was really disappointed since the guy at Tandy assured me it gave even coverage compared to the dye. Any other suggestions to ensure no streaks/swirls and how to get a nice evenly covered project? Thanks!
  10. I didn't know if this site had been mentioned before, since I am relatively new here, but thought I would throw it out for others. I found it while scouting around on leathercraftpattern.com. This one, which seems to be a sister site, is lzpattern.com. They have the same categories, and a lot more bag selections. Hope this is a benefit to others. This is my first time working a pattern without video instruction (or any instruction, so it will be a challenge, but one I am looking forward to!)
  11. Thanks for the tips! It actually did unzip fine on my computer at home, which is about 1/4 of the computer I use at work! Go figure! I love their patterns, and just this morning, after looking at another pattern on their site, a link to instructions for one of their bag patterns took me to what looks like a sister site with even more patterns! I will post a link in another thread. Thanks so much!
  12. Hi! Has anyone had problems downloading patterns from this site? I know it is obviously a foriegn site, but it seemed legit. I ordered a small pattern just in case, and jus tried to download it. It came to my email as a zip file, but it won't unzip (at least at my work computer). I will try it when I get home but since they have basically the same programs, I don't expect anything different. Are there any other sites with downloadable patterns besides this and Tandy/leathercraft library? I subscribe to the video series from Tandy, and have some of their patterns, just wanted something fresh, particularly looking for a hand bag. Thanks for any help!
  13. Which stamps do you have left? Thank you
  14. Hi! I have been braiding for over 10 years and have been cutting my own lace for just as long. I buy my hides from Weaver. They make very fine braiding lace, cut to 1/8" (can cut other thicknesses as well), beveled and split. By the yard or bundle of your choice of length. $1.69 per yard plus shipping, which is usually around $2-4 in the US.
  15. Hi! I am a long time braider and am venturing into tack making beyond the small items i have done in the past. I want to make some show tack, and would like to do at least one with silver barrel ferrules like you see on a lot of bridles like the one below. Any ideas where I can buy them? I tried Hansen and they are too expensive, from what I can tell.
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