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Hawk Scarbrough

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About Hawk Scarbrough

  • Birthday 04/01/1950

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Spotsylvania, VA
  • Interests
    Mostly leather working, gun-knife-tomahawk collector. Former knife & tomahawk throwing champ. I run Hawk's Cherokee Leather Co. A not for profit leather working shop which makes leather items for disabled veterans and donate them to these vets at the Richmond Virginia Veteran's hospital.

Contact Methods

  • Yahoo

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Items for wheelchair use (and other) items for disabled veterans
  • Interested in learning about
    everything I can about tooling and general leather work
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    just surfing the web for instructional material

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  1. choose files...Click to choose files.urlchoose files...Click to choose files.url
  2. This is my humble workstation. An old put it together computer desk. A place for everything and everything out of place half the time.
  3. Even the Cartwright's guns were made by Arvo Ojala, along with everyone else, and I think the harnesses used by the show too. The gunbelts were almost as durable as the clothes. They did change to dress clothes occasionally, probably to have the other one's laundered. HA
  4. I am in exactly the same boat as you. I have been researching many vests but that style was my number one choice. I'm still looking.. Hawk. As an added item, I noticed the sideways roman numeral ten on all of the gunbelts on the show so I ran that logo and found great info about Arvo Ojala and his man contributions to the show. I, unfortunately, can't find my copy of that vest pattern. Your friend, Hawk, Hawk's Cherokee Leather Co.
  5. Here I am again. Is this video on you tube? Should be. There are a lot of good tips here.
  6. I haven't finished watching your video at this point in time, but I had to comment on a great tip you didn't mention. Using that clamp to keep your glue (paint, water etc.) from turning over. Great tip for a master klutz like me. Hawk
  7. Thanks for that tip. Going to try it myself.
  8. Where do you go to by the mortise thing?
  9. Can't help per se since I am great at using the wrong tool for the right job. However, I recently purchased (and modified) some clay modeling tools. I got the idea I could use them to "model" leather on the small, detailed graphics I like to do on small projects. Seems to work and I test various tools to accomplish various desires.
  10. I intend to use your ideas, but with one modification: I plan to cant the blade to cut leather at a 45 degree angle so I can use in for boxes and many other things that empoy the box stitch.
  11. Yo is right on Mr. Grumpy.
  12. You should be proud. You obviously had a good teacher (yes, I understand you are self taught .) Also, thanks for the tutorial and I look forward to trying out your methods. Hawk, Virginia, U.S.A.
  13. Thanks, I will check them out. I am U.S.A. by the way. The main trouble with many places I look at is that the shears are called "ambidextrous", but are not. When a lefty uses sissors or shears, the cutting edge must be on the right side so that he can see where to cut better.
  14. Thanks Guys I will research all of your suggestions. Maybe I can find other lefthanded items as well. Why the grin Bill? Many people would be surprised at how many everyday things you use are actually right handed.
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