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Everything posted by Bonecross

  1. I used to purchase small bottles of 99% ISO alcohol from the pharmacy but then switched to Methyl Hydrate in 4L jugs from the hardware store when the pharmacy could not supply enough. Works just as well. I still clean up with the ISO however (Methyl Hydrate does not seem to work for removing dye from my hands and other surfaces).
  2. One for him, two as gifts for others... lol
  3. Yes they are hand stitched. I rivet and stitch to about 75%, then stuff the lead shot in there.
  4. sap ⌂ a blackjack, short club, etc. Origin of sap probably origin, originally contr. ; from sapling sapped, sap′ping to hit on the head, or knock out, with a sap
  5. Beeswax is a common remedy for sticky things in leather Poke the nail in the beeswax then punch a few holes.
  6. I put it on the wrong strap for the pics lol! It uses a couple of snaps so it can be relocated easily. I took a few pics for my portfolio then packaged it for the customer.
  7. From the album: My Creations

    Allows attaching a sling to a rifle where we do not want to damage the wood and a sling stud is not present. The sling swivel attaches to the eyelets.
  8. From the album: My Creations

    A limited edition set of leather shell holder and lever wrap I am offering for a popular line of lever action shotguns. Obtained the blessing of the importer to advertise to his clients. Quite a hit!
  9. So far everyone who sells Lepage glues sells it! I get it at Rona.
  10. I get Lepage low odor contact cement in Canada and it works well.
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