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Everything posted by Bonecross

  1. The market will often dictate your prices. or you could ignore it and price according to your material and time cost. Some artisans multiply this by 2,3,4... whatever allows you to be able to continue creating!
  2. The V word!?
  3. Talk about a Frankentoolroll!
  4. Tandy Leather in Montreal has been really good to me, even if I mail order...
  5. Would be nice if you posted in here instead on PM'ing...
  6. What happened?
  7. Do not be afraid to challenge yourself! You can accomplish anything you set your mind to.
  8. Search for vinegaroon dye
  9. If those are snaps, I don't recommend them on belts, for fear of the belt coming apart during hard cowboy use I would suggest either Chicago Screws with Blue Loctite if you plan to maintain it. Otherwise for a permanent bond, epoxy and solid copper rivets or full stitching.
  10. Nice belt. Thor what was the the "tell" that the leather was not cased properly... is it the wrinkling? Also, what type of fasteners were used near the buckle Tom?
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