Greetings All,
I bounce around between South Carolina, Mississippi and Louisiana.
Have done a bit of leather work for years and found this site while looking for a finer spaced stitching wheel. (Pricker?)
Started out simply repairing horse tack, belts and other assorted items as needed.
Tried to repair old car upholstery with mixed results...
From there, started making my own rough items - developed an interest in doing (American) Revolutionary War reenacting and hunting with flintlocks. This forced me to get more serious about making correct items and better quality. Cartridge boxes, gun slings, bayonet slings, light infantry helmets, flint wallets, shooting bags, back packs...
More recently, I have tried some motorcycle related items. Roll bags, fork bags, pouches...
Then gun holsters and knife/tomahawk sheaths. Pistol belts are a special thing for me. So many of them are poorly made and of poor leather. I like to base the new one from a pattern taken of an existing belt that the wearer has used for some time so that it naturally fits without needing a year to break in. Cut the new leather to follow this shape and make a belt out of it. You will likely see me participate in the holster area since this is what I am trying to learn.
Most of my work is hand stitching and I tend to use natural fibers and veg tanned leather - except for EDC holsters.
The nice thing here is that there are others doing the same things that I like to do and see so I can learn to push my hobby to a higher standard.
Thanks for what I learned just while lurking for a couple of days.