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  1. I have 100 3/4" Trigger Snaps Nickel, and 100 3/4" Solid D-rings from Tandy Leather that I need to move. All brand new never used. Will take $200 for the whole lot of hardware. Pick up only right now in San Antonio. Unless you can pay online via Chase quick pay, sorry I don't use paypal. If you have questions please let me know.
  2. We have our final selections. Now its time for you all to vote on the best wallet out of the ones which have been submitted. http://www.99centtaco.com/index.php/leathercontest.html
  3. Tomorrows the last day to submit your photos. We have about 3 entries so far. Get in before its too late.
  4. Just the photos
  5. I own several of their dyes. They do make quality stuff.
  6. Just letting everyone here know. http://99centtaco.blogspot.com/2009/11/99centtaco-leather-contest-2.html
  7. Update: Leatherjunkie64 whom is a sponsor has just added a second prize to the contest. We look forward to a good outcome. http://99centtaco.blogspot.com/2009/11/99centtaco-leather-challenge-1.html
  8. have you tried www.texhas.com
  9. Looks like its gonna be a cool contest so far. Don't get left out folks, its a great prize.
  10. Big thank you to those few who have signed up for the contest from here. I look forward to your entry piece. Theres still room for more if anyone is still interested.. http://99centtaco.blogspot.com/

  12. Just letting everyone know that www.99centtaco.com is holding a contest. You can get all the details here http://99centtaco.blogspot.com/ Good luck to whose who enter
  13. Just an example, I have three runs going on right now in 3 different forums.. One is called The dented Helmet. Where we like to recreate the costume for Boba Fett. A Star Wars character. A boba fett costume done right with the best makers can have a total cost of around $5000 and up. I know because my own came near that cost. I do leather belts and and slings, others have tried to come in and be makers as well but everyone seems to wait for me to do more. I started this run about mid Oct this past month. Here is a screen cap of the thread. http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm183/99centtaco/Untitled-2copy.jpg My list shows 16 members paid. I try to keep a low cost for these guys so I charged $100 this round. Normally I do them for $150 but I was feeling good....hehe At 16 orders that equals $1600.00 On my other two forums I am doing pouches and harnesses.. Those are around the same. So if you add up all three forums I have pulled in around $4600 since October. Its not always that big every month but thats how I get up to doing about $30,000 a year. I also do craftshows in my city. If your trying to make some money, I would hit costume forums such as Lord of the Rings, or Indian Jones. Costumes where leather is huge. I have not even tapped into those forums yet. I have only browsed around. I thought about getting in there but don't have the time. I'm only one guy. Just an FYI.
  14. Doug, its ok. I know it does seem crazy that I would make that much in a year after only 3 years of doing this. I started out doing costumes for guys that dress up as Star Wars characters. I belong to several forums and each forum has 1000's of members. I noticed alot of members doing half-@ss jobs in leather working. I'm not a pro but I knew I could do better. Once people started to see my work I got orders pouring in. Not just Star Wars but other movie and gaming costumes as well. Not sure what kind of proof you would have liked to see.... Wanna see my tax returns? hehe Don't worry I didn't take it personally. When someone doubts my income like that, it makes me feel pretty good.
  15. Here is what I have been producing for the last few months... What do ya think?
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