Just an example,
I have three runs going on right now in 3 different forums..
One is called The dented Helmet. Where we like to recreate the costume for Boba Fett. A Star Wars character.
A boba fett costume done right with the best makers can have a total cost of around $5000 and up.
I know because my own came near that cost.
I do leather belts and and slings, others have tried to come in and be makers as well but everyone seems to wait for me to do more.
I started this run about mid Oct this past month. Here is a screen cap of the thread.
My list shows 16 members paid. I try to keep a low cost for these guys so I charged $100 this round. Normally I do them for $150 but I was feeling good....hehe
At 16 orders that equals $1600.00
On my other two forums I am doing pouches and harnesses.. Those are around the same. So if you add up all three forums I have pulled in around $4600 since October. Its not always that big every month but thats how I get up to doing about $30,000 a year. I also do craftshows in my city.
If your trying to make some money, I would hit costume forums such as Lord of the Rings, or Indian Jones. Costumes where leather is huge. I have not even tapped into those forums yet. I have only browsed around. I thought about getting in there but don't have the time. I'm only one guy. Just an FYI.