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About Mjolnir

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Dayton TN
  • Interests
    Leather, knots and braiding, ultralight hammocks, hiking.

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Working on it
  • Interested in learning about
    Everything Leather
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?

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  1. Adam. Please do not throw stones. the test tubes were an idea from another member, i use them to organize studs and snaps. as an AA member please forgive me
  2. gods of leather. i raise my hammer in tribute to you all
  3. I look at your shops and am overwhelmed. I cant say the words. you are all doing beautiful work!
  4. a resin coated four leaf clover pendant. My wife and I found it on our wedding day. Also resin coated yeti cups. Creating a leather dreamcatcher now
  5. wow! you have come so far! nice room.
  6. you win if you get fredk to give up his answer. Grok?
  7. heh heh. no answer is the correct answer. Grok?
  8. what is the greatest book ever written by Robert Heinlien?
  9. PS if you can see expansion with a telescope then its an optical illusion. it is contracting. and not the building a house kind.
  10. so this is why a plane can take off from a stationary position on a treadmill?
  11. yep. you just explained why toilets in Australia flush counterclockwise.
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