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Posts posted by barbedwireboutique

  1. On March 19, 2016 at 5:54 PM, sonorabitandspur said:

    Did you find a pattern? What style are you looking for? I have several breast collars that could be traced out for patterns. I have a heavy roping style, a pleasure collar, the breast plate style, martingale style?

    How much would it be to get a pattern for a heavy roping style breast collar?

    Oh and can I see a picture of an example?

  2. I'm going to try doing the darker dye around the flowers and leaves. Next project I am definitely going to try the dunk method. I'm very nervous about dunking it now though, because won't the dark spots that I don't want to get too dark get darker, as well? Or will it completely even it out?

  3. So I have been working on my first real full project... A set of spur straps for my husband, but when it came to dying the leather the coat just doesn't want to apply evenly, even though I cleaned the leather with rubbing alcohol first. I used fiebings oil dye light brown, if that helps at all? Just hoping to salvage the oops at this point.


  4. I have a quick question that I was hoping could be answered. I am working on a bronc nose band that I plan on giving my husband for Valentine's Day. When applying the adhesive, I've seen videos (Crimson Willow, to be exact) that show it being done on the front, but being as I am using scrap hair on hide rather than another strip of leather without hair, would I need to glue my inlay to the back piece instead? This is my first project, so I would appreciate the help.

  5. I'm new to this, so I was wondering how to make ends for bracelets and dog collars? I have been working on 6 string round braid, with plenty of extra. I don't mind unbraiding things if I need to. Here's a picture of what I have so far. (Don't mind the baby legs and dog paws! I'm a full time mom. 😁)

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