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    Like to create things out of scraps.

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Makes bags and garments from recycle materials, mainly canvas, denim & leather
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    Different types of industrial sewing machines
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  1. Hahaha, I like the way you put it. That’s why I said this is the cheapest I had found so far. Most probably I could get it slightly cheaper. Last year I almost bought a 335-H3 for $635, but glad I didn’t jump into it as I was hopping that the price will drop, but guess my patience pays off now. I bought a few machines last year, all thanks to Covid19, as a few local businesses wind up. Bought 2 Singer 211, and a 6 threads Yamato overlocker.
  2. Folker, what do reckon is a good price for this machine? Tony
  3. Thanks guys for the infos and personal opinions. Actually I sew more duck canvas than leather and it can go as thick as a few layers of 24oz. This machine is selling at $460, the cheapest I have came across so far. I probably could negotiate for a lower price, but I need to find the time to go test out the machine first. Tony
  4. Base on this 2 sets of reference, I see B is for medium materials , and L is for leather, so can I assume BL means medium thickness leather? Tony
  5. Hi Jimi, Thanks for pointing out, I also notice the model version is either B, BN or BB, never seen a BL before, wonder what’s the difference between this alphabet? I also notice the new version model is 335-17/01, the boxy white colours made in China, but missing the B alphabet Tony
  6. Thank you Folker and Jimi for your precious info and reference. Any idea the 17/01 means anything? Tony
  7. Hi guys, Recently I came across this Pfaff 335 with a subclass I couldn’t find any info online. It doesn’t have the H2 or H3 alphabet and I also can’t find any infos on BL. Could anyone who knows anything about this particular subclass pls provide me some infos, like its capabilities, and what kind of leather thickness will it sew? Thanks. Tony
  8. Awe your technical skill set and knowledge is always helpful and produce stunning result.
  9. Nice and neat, another more decades to go:)
  10. That’s great. You seems to be good in metal work.
  11. Nice and great ideas, thanks for sharing.
  12. Thanks for the advice, I bought the castor wheels from a sewing machine dealer. They do look sturdy to me, hold it works well.
  13. Hi, Beside making new tables, did anyone restore their sewing machine tables? This is my first time restoring a machine table, did some research online before getting into the work. The old laminate on the table was hindering my work as it tore the canvas I was sewing a couple of times , so I have no choice but to find the time to restore it. I also added castor rollers, so that I can move the sewing machine around. I hope to restore the paint on the machine as well, but I must really find the time for it. Pls share pics of your restored tables too. Tony
  14. There are couple of issues, the main issue be it the feed driving flange and the feed driving eccentric adjusting disk alignment was off, as I mentioned earlier I notice the screws on the flange were loose. Then I actually created more problem by removing the clutch belt pulley and didn’t put it back in the right alignment. This repairman is very patience and professional. He took his time and patiently put back the eccentric disk and spring which I didn’t know how to put it back after dismantling it and start inspecting the rest of the issues patiently. It took him around 3 hours to fine tune all the alignments. I’m so grateful for that.
  15. Hi guys, Thanks for all the help and advices, really appreciate it. Anyway, I found a local repairman and he managed to revive the machine back to working condition. Problem resolved .
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