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About Ablenumbersix

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  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    From a friend irl

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  1. That’s cool. I’m doing a belt that has classic rifles and pistols tooled all over it, and that’s one of the pistols I might use. It’s so long.
  2. Thank you, and I agree. This hasn’t been a problem yet, but I have been thinking of ways to construct them with a totally smooth leather back.
  3. Thank you big Sioux. That's makes me feel better about it at least. Like I said, it's nice leather regardless, but if I pay for hermann oak and sell it as hermann oak, I want to make sure it is in fact hermann oak.
  4. I bought some harness leather that was supposed to be Hermann oak, however it's not branded on the back like the tooling leather I've had in the past. Working with it, it seems to be very nice harness leather, but I'd like to know all the same. I've had issues like this with the seller in the past, mostly due to inadequate communication.
  5. I'm having a little trouble with this new/old machine. It is a Mercury m-380b and is basically a nakajima 380 (from what I understand). I have it sewing, but it's definitely not right yet. I understand most of how to thread it, but the tensioner on top is a bit of a mystery to me, and I haven't been able to find a manual or identical enough system. Does anyone have any insights on the correct way to run it? And might it change depending on thread size? Lastly, I have run it several ways, not just how it is in the picture.
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