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About Rogue6

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  • Interested in learning about
    patterns, sheaths, Ren Faire garb
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
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  1. HEy here are some pics of a sporran that i made recently. the body is Suede with a bit of belly tooling leather offering the support let me know what you think
  2. I am glad to see my thread is still going. I have still not had the time to this, but i am glad i have waited, the ideas the yall have tossed out are interesting and it seems some of them work. If anyone gets this made before i do please post pics here on this thread.
  3. Thank you for the pics that was one idea that i had,its good to see it in a completed state. This is still on my work bench, I just need a bigggger work bench to work on all my projects. Thank you everyone for your ideas. I think i have a prototype of one of the cups, I will have to take a pic and post it up. More Later
  4. I have mostly worked with veggie tanned and some chome tanned, but i picked up some Suede and when i started to cut it, well you know it moves and wggles and my lines are not straight.. so can someone tell my is there a secret to cutting it? thank you in advance
  5. Hey sorry i have been away for a bit. Vacation and such.. WOw Who would have know i would get volunters...! now i just have to get the free time to play with all these idea's.. my 3 month old son dosent quite understand daddy need more then 5 mins to himself to clean, organize, cut the yard and play with leather!!!lol keep your ideas and suggestions comming. I will post any updates as i have them Peace
  6. Thanks Luke i may give that a go coconuts are cheap
  7. here is one more idea, has anyone used fiberglass as a mold/form?
  8. Yeah if i tried it with cold water.. it would be the first and last chance i get. I think i am going to go with a duck tape pattern to form the cups. Once i get the form. i will need to fill the cups with something so that they can with stand the leather forming. Now i ask you, what is an easy (read here inexpensive)medium to fill/cast the empty cups. You guys/Gals are great thanks for all your ideas Billy
  9. Thanks for all you ideas so far. i have tried the reverse engineering, the hard part is that mondern bras are made with a lot of spandex and are heat streached as well. as for haveing a lady present to allow me to form the leather over her somewhat naked body. my wife wouldnt like that, and she's not game either. i did think of the dummy idea as well so i can have an adjustable bust to make other sizes, but i am on a bit of a budget. I did just think of the old duck tape pattern. Have my model put on a nice fitting bra and i can tape over it and then remove the tape pattern. has anyone used a method like this before?
  10. Hello all i have been reading the posts here all day and is seam you lot are a wealth of incredible skill and resouce. Now to my request. I am looking for help/guidance/pattern assistance. I want to make a molded leather bra like top for a female to wear at a Ren Faire. i know how to shape leather, and i know how to sew it. what i am having trouble with is what to use as a form and should i try to shape the front cups out of one piece or to seperate cups. Now i know all ladies are not created equal when i comes to bust size. i look fwd to hearing what yall have to say on the matter.. thanks
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