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  1. Thank you for the video! Also I have seen where people put a stiffener inside the belt like a piece of poster board then line it with something. I feel like it would have to be lined with something really thin?
  2. I have a question along this subject matter. I was looking to line a belt with something and I was wondering what leather and thickness people use. I have looked at quite a few custom carved belts and it looks like they have a liner but it looks pretty thin. Any suggestions?
  3. Big thanks to everyone who has responded! I agree I thing they have done a great job with there dying! Thank you very much for the painting and antiquing videos! All the input has helped a lot!
  4. This is some beautiful carving and coloring! I would like to get an idea on how it was done. The coloring is very chrisp and pretty is this just experience of is it the method? Also what are the steps to coloring like this? It seams line they used antique paste but not for the background coloring only the carving. Please help me figure this out! Payton
  5. Thank you everyone! I really appreciate the information!
  6. I am looking for a sewing machine that can handle a minimum of 1/2" thick of leather but can also do a small thickness of leather. so far I have been looking at the Cowboy 3200, but I would like to know some other alternatives(preferably less than $1700). Please help, Im a little lost when it comes to this stuff. Thanks, Payton
  7. Where can I find nice looking retention screws. Something like the ones Andrew from Andrews leather work uses.
  8. I was watching the Andrews Leather How too video and noticed that he stitches and does everything before he dyes/oils the leather. When I hand stitch my leather I do it after I color the leather so that I can keep the stitching white. How does he keep the stitches white when coloring his holsters? He said he uses a bonded Nylon, does that have any thing to do with it.
  9. Most of the patterns that are in books like the Al Stohlman Belts Galore book and patterns from Tandy don't have hardly any left over room on edges to put a stitching border. It leaves about 1/8 of an inch(if lucky) on each edge of a 1.5 inch wide belt, which is not enough room for any kind of running stitch line. What do I need to do to get that thick stitching border with my pattern on my belts.
  10. Look up this book it is great! Sheridan Style 15 New Spur Strap Patterns Including One Piece Spur Straps. Just finished first one out of there, and it looks great. I believe sheridan also has another spur strap patter book besides this one.
  11. I am doing a pair of spur straps and I stained them with a Dark Brown Fiebings Antique Past. Then I tried to put a the Fiebings Resolene on top as a finish. But when applying it with a paint brush it started to smear the color, and blur the lines. What am I doing wrong, or what is better to use.
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