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Everything posted by Dun

  1. Leatherworker dot net, what are some of your preferred milled/tumbled type leathers?
  2. Just a bump to see if anyone has an opinion, of what they like to make or use on a daily basis.
  3. Where do you prefer to have the shoulder strap attachment points on a briefcase style bag? Middle of the Gussets? even if it fights the flap? On the top flap but supported by a dowel or flat metal bar? diagonal attachment points, on the rear and one the front? or maybe both attachments on the rear?
  4. Thanks. Everything I've done so far is from tandy sales(and using skinned couch leather as liner/prototype filler). I guess another thing I don't trust is my own eyes. I'm partially color blind which is why specific recommendations are greatly appreciated because then I don't have to guess.
  5. I have no experience with dividers but I love the way these were done http://andersenleather.blogspot.com/2015/10/sewing-partition-board-to-gusset.html
  6. Thanks! Do you have any specific leather suggestions for some of the project types I've shown here- or should I really just be investing in some Hermann Oak Veg Tan?
  7. $2 a foot doesn't sound like much of a save, but I'm hurting enough monetarily that $40 actually does sound good??? Maybe I just need to find a similar colored, but not tooling quality, leather? No idea where to start there. Thanks! By the bye, what isn't heavy enough for a case "Laminating"? Thanks again. I hope I don't sound like I'm not wanting to take your advice, I'm just a maximizer and like to know all options and mistakes before I make them. Mike
  8. Looking through and trying to absorb as much as I can, especially from threads like but I wanted to ask for some specific questions. Links to specific recommendations would be great since I'm not familiar with brands, tanneries and types. I'm still very new and have very little to actually spend on leather so can't afford "you get what you pay for" kind of quality, so I'm keeping an eye out for deals. -Love the veg tan non-tooled( just oiled, conditioned and satin sheen golden brown patina) look. Does it have to be higher end tooling veg tan? Can I save some money on non tooling leather? Want enough to do a couple prototype briefcases while learning. -is 3-4 oz okay for briefcase/purses once it has 3 layers built up? Am I saving money by getting thinner veg tan? -Do you have an (economy?) veg tan you would recommend to learn tooling on? Cheap-ish leaning to do some "for family only" projects. Thanks, Mike
  9. I skinned a couch and was able to use oil dyes to get a decent color, but I haven't found anything to keep the oil dye from bleeding out. Resolene seemed to work the best but still not enough to let it touch anything else for an extended period of time. Even after months I still get bleeding from buffing.
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