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Everything posted by Dun

  1. That makes sense in its simplicity. As long as the bottom doesn't fold up from the weight of the stuff inside
  2. that seems simpler than than what I was thinking. Still not sure which part attaching the d rings would be good as far as the flow of steps or structurally i was leaning towards these edge bands(I have no idea what it’s called)? Yeah something. Clutch just isn’t specific enough for the image search
  3. This just made me remember the sandman slim books where he once called the mare's leg "heartwarmingly impractical" I agree with the phrase and love mine. JKHELMS this is really nice. I'll have to give this a go someday too
  4. I’m trying to figure out how to pattern this thing out. My wife saw it at H&M and liked the style. Even though it was cheaply made I should have gotten it to try and get a pattern out of it. current problem is I have no idea if it has a name or what to call it’s features to find something like it in image searches. that is a top view there at the bottom of the sketch. I simplified the sketch way down so it only looks like it has 3 pieces of leather but I’m sure it will need a very complex build. I also exaggerated the silhouette into pyramid to make it more clear and easily broken down in my head. it has two zippered sections. These two pouches(?) are stitched together to form a cell phone pocket between the zippers. Im thinking each "pouch" would be made like half a tote bag before being combined to the outer wall. I also need to figure out the best shoulder strap mounts. The original had handles but my wife only uses cross body. any tips and suggestions would be welcome.
  5. One day I may be able to dedicate a room to being a work shop but for now it's any flat surfaceI can find. I transfer all the needed tools for the current project to the smaller bag and it follows me around.
  6. Dun


    Is it me or does he prick the stitching marks before glueing the card slots down?
  7. I couldn't use my apple pencil for very long comfortably so I pulled a rubber grip off another pen and then wrapped it in leather
  8. All very nice looking products! And all so well done with different patterns on the first try? Impressive. I also don't use both straps on a back pack but that is usually cause I don't like how warm they are. I've been wondering about that 3d vented foam stuff combined with leather.
  9. I've used some fidlock buckles (badly taken pics in my critique thread) for arthritic hands fumbling at a belt mounted wallet holder. They are not pretty and hard to hide but they self align and lock without fiddling. Just listen for the click and you are good to go.
  10. Was looking back at this and wow. Can I ask how many sq feet you used in the different leathers for this?
  11. There is also milled veg tan for something more pliable. It is tumbled to the point of floppiness.
  12. Dun

    WTT some leather?

    Thinking about buying a side of 3-4 oz and some lining veg tan. I’d be willing to share some but not sure how to make shipping worth it.
  13. Dun

    Hello from Mn

    Oh yeah! Every once in a while a couple stitches or an inch of edging is perfect and *chef's kiss*
  14. Dun

    Hello from Mn

    Just general tips and stream of consciousness following: Get some thick-ish paper and prototype once with that first. (I made an entire paper briefcase using safety pins where stitching would be ) Then protoype out of some leather, allowing for extra length where it needs to bend(paper bends easily without using up length, leather not so much) Then cut out multiple I'm honestly thinking of making the fanciest zipper pulls I can for technique practice while I wait for new leather for a specific project. I think this would be good for me to get better with skiving and controlled glueing and wet forming and pricking and awl work and better looking stitches and edge work. Maybe then my next wallet would actually look good.
  15. Pretty! Is the inside of the holster just glued in place? Also does the mag release button get pressed by the edge?
  16. Hah yeah. Check the briefcase stuff I "learned as I went" in my critique thread, it's painfull how expensive that learning was. And it's built like a tank and will mock me forever! Sorry OP, probably not what you wanted to hear. How may we help you?
  17. Something I wish I had done was start with a tiny project I could afford to do over and over to polish skills. Like maybe zipper pull tabs? I can think of at least 4 skills I could have worked on by just trying to replace those around the house. The cost of leather alone is very disheartening when you see your own ugly stitches or amateur wet molding on a large project.
  18. Glad to see you're still at it! I've been moving slowly as well with my stuff.
  19. when you pull the stitches snug do you angle the threads away from each other or just straight out at 90* to the leather? I was testing different techniques and I think I like pulling the back side thread downward and back towards me. The front sided thread gets pulled up and away. It seemed to exaggerate the diagonal-ness(?) of the stitches. Yin, this looks great! Also love the edges and color of the exterior. The interior(backside of the stitches) has such clean stitch holes.
  20. Dun

    Cutting surfaces?

    Are these pieces big enough for sandal soles?
  21. Mind if I jump in here and ask a question. I didn't see it addressed in the video. Do you punch the stitch holes through the cloth zipper lining edge(or use the stitching awl to pierce) after gluing it to leather, or do you punch the stitch holes in the leather first and just let the needle be the only thing that pierces the zipper material?
  22. Just hand tools for wet firming? It's really clean looking. I'm really impressed!
  23. can I ask about your wetforming? Did you not use a negative mold to press the edges down?
  24. I just saw this 90* angle on the edging and wanted to mention it, just in case you have any inside or in a load bearing spot. With your inside-out pocket design you are probably covered.
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