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About VTleather09

  • Birthday 08/21/1981

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    Leather Tooling and ORIGINAL design
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?

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  1. I love the possibles pouch...Fairly easy to make and the flap affords room for tooling in one is so inclined. Nice job.
  2. Hey y'all, So, I am a first time teacher and I was given an opportunity to use leather craft as an enrichment project. I was hoping someone could point me in the right direction to find an easy way to implement a computer program to make templates. If you have any suggestion please let me know...after all, I'm attempting to create a new generation of leathercrafters!
  3. Love it! I love breathing in the fresh air!
  4. These are so cool. I will be trying that splatter technique in the near future.
  5. Hey there, Here is cell phone sleeve, a few balisong sheaths and a bracelet. That little owl was a pain!
  6. Wow! Now I see why the edges are so well done. I just made a burnisher for my dremel and it saves some time...great work!
  7. That was NOT directed toward you, my friend. Your stuff is very good and shows skill.
  8. I agree. Do you use a dremel or do it by hand?
  9. Not to bad. Did you burnish it when it was still wet? When I do a knife wet mold I i wrap my knife in then plastic, wet my leather, then staple my leather to a board and work the leather over and over with a spoon and molding tool. I always let it dry at least a day before I build the rest of the sheath. Oh, and how do you like the RAT II? I am a balisong guy, but I've been wanting a nice folder for my EDC. Good job, bro.
  10. Beautiful. I love clean and stream line items.
  11. Dang! You can't beat maple when it come to durability and looks. I really want to try making one some day. How does it cut? Nice job.
  12. I can't tell if people's responses are meant to be condescending or not. I seem to get a few every time I make a new pic post. Then, I go and look at their work and I get it.
  13. Hey there, I look at lacing as more of decorative option rather than a solidified bonding technique. You can't beat the saddle stitch, as far as function goes. In addition, leather lacing can be brittle, so I rarely use it as a stitching option. Plus, I get to practice with both techniques in a single project. Thanks for lookin. VT
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