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  1. HI ALL Would love a manual on the A1 if anyone has a copy Been searching all the old posts no luck yet
  2. Hi Jim

    Just reading an older post on BUSM A1

    Wondering if you still had any parts for the A1

    Regards Tim 

  3. Hi i was reading about your desktop mini laser engraver 

    Not sure if i missed it but what brand and where do you start looming for them here in Australia 

    Regards Shikikan

  4. Hi chasing no7 needles for pederson 308 do you still have any Thanks
  5. Hi everyone Bit of a 45k tragic . I have just got this 45k66 and cant seem to find much about them . I'm wondering if its basically the same as my 45k25
  6. Thanks for the info
  7. Thankyou Constabulary Very helpful I would be still searching. How do you rate them as a machine does it have reverse ,i have 2 Singer 45k25 both pedal and a pearson 6 . Thought i would get it going for interest sake
  8. Hope the photo helps Basically wanting to thread the top properly The numbers are whats stamped on the machine
  9. Hi i am after manual on this pfaff cant seem to find any details on parts threading etc Model 26-55/01 DLN8 I'm having trouble uploading photos at the moment says there to big Regards Shikikan
  10. Hi is the busmc rotary hole punch still available
  11. Hi are they still for sale regards Tim
  12. Thanks Matt have spoken to singer mania but unfortunately he has had trouble sourcing them from his engineer
  13. Hi just putting the feelers out regarding a Pearson rein rounder attachment for sale
  14. Hi firstly is the edge guide still available and if so will it fit the 45k25 regards Tim
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