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    leather bags
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    industrial sewing machines
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  1. if you dont mind, how much it cost to make custom folder like that on dedicated and well known company like atlanta attachement?
  2. Save your money and time and go for walking foot (triple feed) if you primarily sewing leather , and i think the price is a bit high just for a drop feed machine?
  3. I have both machine (style), i dont think the binder parts for pfaff 335 style will work on the seiko cw8 Or maybe someone with more experience on tinkering sewing machine can shed some more light
  4. Aftermarket Handwheel replacement is easy to find, or you can always custom one on metal workshops, but how on earth cargo inspections can break that cast alumunium apart?
  5. Looks like beefy machine @Constabulary , do you have any experience on how thick 132k6 can handle? Needle / thread range ? I think i saw one on sale at local trading forum
  6. Halo @uwe, how was your experiment on garment weight leather on this machine? I stumble upon this thread when I search about chainstitch / moss emroidery The latest dug on my father's warehouse, i found 2 of these buried under oil pans and dirt. I mean literally buried, I found it in the position 3/4 of the body buried underneath the ground. The other one looked worse with some parts missing. I think a new paint job is relevant that will go along nicely with the restoration process. Interesting sewing machine, especially if it can do a monogram on light leather, can't wait
  7. If it will do what you want then it is a great bargain for sure, it will sell 4x the price if it comes from sewing machine shop / other specialist shop. But off course if you decide to buy it you are on your own without technical support or guarantee, bartacker machine is pretty tricky for a beginner like me. I had to call in a specialist several times for it to get it right. And a sewing machine mechanic is not cheap indeed
  8. I used the brother tz1 mainly to sew canvas leather bag and lining with 92 nylon thread, it is on the lighter side approx. 20kg head only
  9. It will be useless for leather, bartacker machine will do 1 thing only zig zag ing back and forth on very limited width. If you design leather bag with cotton webbing handle / strap, It will do bartack / reinforcement on it.
  10. Pfaff 138 zig zag width is only 4 mm ish, but i can attest that it is the smoothest sewing machine on my stable so far. I think brother tz1 b652 is one competent zig zag machine to consider too @suzelle and it is also considered small
  11. I feel you @dikman @Chayse I found rebuilding / restoring old sewing machine to be addictive mainly because it is a simple challenge ahead relatively. I used to rebuild and restore vintage motorcycles before, but found it was irrelevant after my son was born and the company transferred me to another city then. Keep it up
  12. I am too in the need of more space, so i am currently trying to build a custom iron stand similar to dikman's picture of a cowboy setup on my friend's metal workshop. I'd like to buy one initially, but no sewing machine store here has them on stock, some of them even barely know about table set up like that Leather sewing machine business in Indonesia a bit slow i think, most of leather shops here are using "minimalist" set up and get "creative" trying to squeeze out more from their simple tools / machinery.
  13. Flip up needles Any video explain how it works? The 515 is still around, just moved it out to the kitchen, giving room for the 527 at the garage
  14. I wish, but i have checked the place high and low, not a glimpse of sign on old treadle stand, i do found old domestic pfaff and butterlfly heads though Sometimes old cast treadle stand (with head) pop up on the local listing site , but recently have no luck on it yet
  15. @dikman Your thread inspires me to hunt down my own treadle iron stand
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