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Everything posted by WalkingBear1954

  1. Many thanks for the replies appreciate it. I make belts, gun slings, holster and bible covers. I am mostly self taught and You Tube. My stamping is ok but tooling is terrible..
  2. Well I am a hobby leather worker and after cancer treatments got this machine a couple of years ago. Been back to factory twice numerous problems. Back to hand sewing. while Tippmann responds to my request it hard to work with them on phone being 80% deaf. 67 year old disabled vet. Anyone have problems ? Suggestion on a "better" machine. About ready to give up my hobby. Oh I have trouble sewing by hand due to two pins in dominant hand . Thanks for info. Do not post much my stuff is not that good
  3. Thanks for the information I am new leather worker and screwed up some leather
  4. Thank you for sharing your knowledge I need all the help I can get
  5. Well I am new to leather working and self taught I have screwed up some leather. You post helps me a lot I think my biggest problem is rushing to get it finsihed.
  6. Its is nice I like it for the right project
  7. Yep I am not a big fan of pain myself looks like I will be having some hand surgery soon.
  8. Well being old and having arthritis I am trying to expand my knowledge base on leather working make something and give it away Love the work you all accomplish thanks for sharing
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