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  1. One other thing you may want to consider when hand stitching. The punch size should be no more than the size of two widths of thread. The logic behind this is the holes look tighter and more like machine sewed. This thing we do is all about aesthetically pleasing, the better it looks the better it sells. Just fyi….the buff looks good so that you got nailed and the fit looks good.
  2. Take a look at an oak leaf. You have of course the main vein, then you have others that run down to the tips of the leaves, they are pronounced but not as wide as the main vein, then finally if you look closer you have very fine veins running off the veins that go to the tip. These are almost invisible but they do give the leaf a little shape. Now have fun with it.
  3. I have used this product and I think it works well as a resist and finish. It is an acrylic so there is no fumes like other products. Drying time might take a bit longer. I have used it both as a resist prior to antiquing and as a final finish. At this point it’s “all good”
  4. I can hand sew it or carve it but this sewing machine stuff is totally alien to me, your much knowledgeable about it.
  5. Anyone got Steve’s phone number at the leather machine company in California. Thanks in advance.
  6. Thanks, hope your doing well, now just pulling what little hair out I have in adjusting this thing lol
  7. Will order some, let me ask you a question, I will be making holsters, the doubled thickness will be about 16 oz will the 207 be ok for that?
  8. I am using 207 thread. I do have some 277, the two PCs of leather are about 8oz together.
  9. Just bought a new class 4 sewing machine and of course I am having issues. The problem is stitching in the back, the darker thread. The front seems to be ok, lighter thread. Maybe I can get some help. As you can see, the leather looks a little puckering up from stitch. Any help would be appreciated.
  10. Recently purchase a cobra class 4, using 207 thread I am having a problem on front vs back. Front is acceptable(light thread) but back is not(dark thread). Any help would be appreciated.
  11. It’s actually molded from the back so locks in very well.
  12. New holster for my cz
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