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About azrider

  • Birthday March 3

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  • Location
    Baldwin City, KS
  • Interests
    Leatherwork, Aquariums, BMX, Kayaking

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Stamping and Carving/ Strops
  • Interested in learning about
    Larger projects and more tools
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    google search for Leatherworking Forum

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  1. I was ordering some thread on Monday, and I noticed Maine Thread has a braided flat poly cord now. I got some today, and it seems very comparable to Tiger thread, but USA made and not quite as expensive. Wondering if anyone has tried it yet? I’ll be making a pice with it this week, and will post pictures.
  2. Looking for chrome tanned horse fronts in a minimum of 4oz. The ones I have seen from Horween are all in the 1-2oz weight, and wouldn't be heavy enough for a jacket. Is there another tannery that does horse?
  3. azrider

    Toro 3000

  4. azrider

    Toro 3000

    Machine is still available, please contact me through private message if interested.
  5. azrider

    Toro 3000

    Not sure why those posted so small. These should be better. PM sent.
  6. azrider

    Toro 3000

    Artisan Toro 3000. 9 inch arm sewing machine. Several years old, but hardly used. I am the second owner, and there are less than 25 hours on of use on this machine. Specifications can be found here: http://artisansew.com/pdf/manuals/exisiting/TORO3200.pdf Machine includes owner's manual Video DVD, paperwork, stand, servo motor, tools, extra bobbins, a few spools of thread, needles, bobbins, and a flat top work surface add on. Also includes LED light, and thread stand. Asking $1400. Located in Baldwin City, Kansas, which is about 45 minutes outside of Kansas City. I would prefer the buyer pick up the machine, but shipping might be possible.
  7. Welcome to the board! Leatherwork can be a lot of fun, but its a time consuming hobby. You might also want to check out http://santafeleatherguild.org/content/ if you want to meet other leatherworkers in the area.
  8. This is what I use. http://www.rawganique.com/Dept-Hemp-Accessories/organic-hemp-webbing.htm. It's a hemp linen, made in Europe. They have it in a webbing and a herring bone pattern, in 2 and 3 inch widths. They sell it in either 50 yard rolls or by the foot. The by the foot price is very high, but it might be a good way to see what you are purchasing.
  9. Maverick Leather has some Horween Chromexcel Horse butt strips in stock that are really nice. They are about 25-30 bucks each, and have a nice feel and pull up effect.
  10. Have a duplicate post. Could a mod delete one of them. Having trouble getting the formatting to work.
  11. I have a customer that wants a piece of leather with a date and a border tooled. They will be adding a brand to it. I had a couple of questions I couldn't find answers to on searches: Is Veg Tan the right leather for this? The brand is full sized for livestock. I am concerned it’s going to catch on fire while they brand it. (I won’t be there.) Does the leather need to be damp? Should it already be finished? Does the branded area need to be sealed after it is done?
  12. Electrathon, I would be interested in a spool of white or cream thread. Depending on how soon it is, might be able to get a roll of med brown as well. Can send money through PayPal.
  13. I am having the same trouble finding it in the US right now too. I emailed an employee of Horween Tannery in Chicago, where most of the horsehide in the US comes from. He said they are not getting the raw stock needed to produce the leather, and some of their vendors are almost a year behind on delivering. I have no idea what shipping would be, but http://www.maverickleathercompany.com/ has those in stock sometimes.
  14. Thanks for the idea Glendon. When I went through the list, I only saw a few suppliers that I might be able to order from, and I had already contacted them. I got an email back from John at Tannery Row, which is Horween's retail arm. Even they are running on back order of 8-12 weeks right now. I contacted my customer and told him I would only be able to fill half his order. We will see what he says.
  15. Got an order for some belts, and need 3-4 more pieces of 7/9 oz horse butt strips to make them. I have checked with Springfield, Maverick, Brettuns Village, Sheridan Leathers, Tannery Row, and Zack White. I haven't heard back from Tannery Row or Zack White yet. Has anyone recently ordered the heavier weight horse but strips from anywhere? All I seem to be able to find is 5/7 oz.
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