@Kyle Mitchell not a problem for awakening the dead!
Well, I've had same Italian press as you are, nr. 2, but thread on mine is1/4-24 correct, yes. You actually don't need this thread, unless you have some dies for other presses and need them to fit into this one, but since nr. 2 press has quite short piston movement, thread adaptors arent an option. I've had 10+ dies from all different presses, so I had to set them all on same thread on lathe to make them fit this press.
Moving on, as with brand, who is making these presses, take a look here: https://www.fbg-italy.com/en/
Movi is one of my favourite companies, since they offer EVERYTHING and a small distributer delivers me weekly from their company directly.
And concerning you and Matt S:
Try using these kind of presses. They're not twist, but lever type with 10mm, 12mm or 1/2" and you can have adapters to change for any known and unknown thread there you want.