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    Slovenia, EU

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Holsters, sheaths, bags.
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    Sheaths and bags.

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  1. I've (ab)used some tools in my leatherworking "career" in past ~5 years, and I'm quite tired of buying bad tools, so I'd like to purchase new punch set (2-6mm, but more = better). Anyone can recommend a European seller, that sells proper tools? I've used something as on photo below, but it's pain in the butt to sharpen them. Also, I'd need an edge beveler, that would allow me to do edges as such. I got IvanLeather edge bevelers (1, 2, 3) but they take off too much of material to make such an edge.
  2. Not sure if correct, but surely looks very very simmilar. Also, super expensive (found brass version for 60USD /3pcs.). Any other that kind of stamps I can find, preferably from standard palette? These are from Sergey Neskromny, but I'd rather stick to Craftool stamps.
  3. What's this stamp number, that's been for the edge in marked circle? It seems I cannot find it anywhere, just other "grainy" stuff..
  4. @Kyle Mitchell not a problem for awakening the dead! Well, I've had same Italian press as you are, nr. 2, but thread on mine is1/4-24 correct, yes. You actually don't need this thread, unless you have some dies for other presses and need them to fit into this one, but since nr. 2 press has quite short piston movement, thread adaptors arent an option. I've had 10+ dies from all different presses, so I had to set them all on same thread on lathe to make them fit this press. Moving on, as with brand, who is making these presses, take a look here: https://www.fbg-italy.com/en/ Movi is one of my favourite companies, since they offer EVERYTHING and a small distributer delivers me weekly from their company directly. And concerning you and Matt S: Try using these kind of presses. They're not twist, but lever type with 10mm, 12mm or 1/2" and you can have adapters to change for any known and unknown thread there you want.
  5. I am waiting for their samples already But thank you anyway.
  6. Thank you for that information, also having issues of finding that type of leather in Europe. This apron (on the first photo) is going to be for a blacksmith, so it has to be thick, tough and soft. As written before, I got this leather from a local dealer, who refuses to bring on another or share the contact of the tannery.
  7. Just received reply from LePrevo, they do not have any kind of simmilar leather, too bad. But "pebble grain" I've heard before and I think this is exactly what I'm looking for. Even this, my leather feels like it's greasy, although doesn't leave any stains on skin or white paper. Although I googled and couldn't find an European distributer of pebble grain leather with thickness >2mm
  8. @fredk: Thank you. I used to work with LePrevo years ago, but sent an inquiry now. Thank you. @Northmount: Agree 100% and everything, it just happens I have so much photos to upload and don't have time I'm being lazy to resize them all. Will try to use this in future, although it already occured to me, that I really made photo smaller, but still was too big to upload, even if it was barely visible. @Mulesaw: Thank you, I've sent an inquiry now. @Tastech: Yes, I'm quite sure that's about it! Well, the apron from the first photo weighted 1.5kg (53 oz.) at the end, which I don't really find very heavy as much as how heavy duty it is. Also, super super soft, very easy to bend!
  9. What type of leather is this and where in Europe I can get it? I got a hide from a local dealer, but he refuses to either get me more hides or tell me where he got one. So I'm lookin all over it, since I cannot find the exact same again. It's 6-7 oz. thick (about 2.6mm) and super soft, really easy to bend. See photos below, it's a really good leather.
  10. It took me some time to actually make it, since I was quite busy lately. SO, today I've made it from scrap fabrics and it turned out....turned out great. So far so good, it needs quite some modificaitons (about dimensions mostly), but the design as itself looks great. Will keep this topic updated as my progress move on @SUP: Your comments on shape were indeed on spot, it's the one! Thank you again, mister!
  11. Here's Sam Andrew's tutorial on it. Might help.
  12. That doesn't seam (pun intended) to be much of a problem. I'm more concerned about creating a pattern for this bag. Gives me shivers to even start.
  13. Vegetable tanned calfskin leather, 1.3-1.6mm thick (3-4 oz.).
  14. Thought of it aswell, but just can't figure out the cutouts on the side, without looking too robust. Trying to get "about" the right pattern, before I can even modify it.
  15. Well, i would too, but unfortunally, I dont have that kind of artistic touch to just add depth freely by feeling.
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