If you are big enough, you can order an entire tannage run and sort the quality yourself. I can imagine this was from a tannage run and they had some left over. Maybe coach cancelled the order and now Wicket and Craig has a bunch of leather without a buyer.
I don't think olive is a standard color for Wicket and Craig. Although, Tan is very popular so it's not surprising that big makers get it too.
Edit: I checked the website, olive definitely isn't standard. Interesting color but a little too unusual for my tastes. I can definitely see making an elegant and high style bag from that...
Coach have a line of leather called "glove tanned." I wouldn't be surprised if it is WC English Bridle. They market about soft hand and patina which matches up with Bridle. Though a lot of leather can be described like that and I have no evidence. If I wanted to make high end goods, I would definitely use WC English Bridle.