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  1. I got the leather in the mail. I got what was described and shipping was reasonably fast.
  2. I haven't bought from buckleguy so I don't know the details. I remember they explained that the fee is to pay for small shipping for hobbyist. If you are buying a lot, I guess they waive the fee or something.
  3. There is a $5 fee for every order at Buckleguy plus shipping.
  4. If you are big enough, you can order an entire tannage run and sort the quality yourself. I can imagine this was from a tannage run and they had some left over. Maybe coach cancelled the order and now Wicket and Craig has a bunch of leather without a buyer. I don't think olive is a standard color for Wicket and Craig. Although, Tan is very popular so it's not surprising that big makers get it too. Edit: I checked the website, olive definitely isn't standard. Interesting color but a little too unusual for my tastes. I can definitely see making an elegant and high style bag from that... Coach have a line of leather called "glove tanned." I wouldn't be surprised if it is WC English Bridle. They market about soft hand and patina which matches up with Bridle. Though a lot of leather can be described like that and I have no evidence. If I wanted to make high end goods, I would definitely use WC English Bridle.
  5. PM'ed. Good weight for light things.
  6. I was looking around the internet for a series of in depth books and I found the Leather Manuals to be something interesting. Appearently you have to pay the author directly and he will email you the link. But the author is dead. May he rest in peace. I am honestly sad about the amount of leatherworking knowledge that was lost. He didn't get to finish the entire series. Does anyone have any copies of this book or anyone I can contact about them? Edit: theleatherconnection.com is still up and hosting html pages. Kinda makes you wonder how many there are web pages out there with dead authors...
  7. Can you post some pictures of the leather and tools? Also can you ship the items too?
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