Found a use for my scraps and made a black powder possibles bag. Was kind of strange for me not to carve every single piece Added a waxed canvas liner and tried to stay true to an early 1800s style
The slotted concho braid that looks like tassels. I believe it's actually called a bleed knot but I can't force myself to call it that
Hahahaha it's definitely handy. A little scrap leather and no more finding needles in the carpet the hard way
Thank you. I've been on a blood knot kick lately so I decided to throw a couple in. They look better with it on. The holster is carved and dyed just waiting for assembly when I get more thread
Wooo!!! I like that a lot! I may have to a lighter or maybe a can of pepper spray for my ol lady hmmmmm. And thank you for the feedback as well that's the first pattern I've ever posted