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    Suffield, CT

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  1. Are you selling anything else? I’m only a couple hours away.
  2. Depending on your needs, I’d consider searching for higher quality used machines. I just picked up a Kwik-Print Model 55 for $750, with at least a half dozen letter sets. I know these are rare, but I started like you. I originally bought a cheap $160 heat press on Amazon. Unboxed it and realized it would be something I would upgrade very quickly. So I hop on Facebook Marketplace real quick to see if anything was available locally and found the Model 55 only 25 min away from me. Picked it up the next day. I could probably get $1,500 for the entire set.
  3. Hello- I am I interested! Just sent you a message.
  4. For sale is a lightly used Cobra Class 4 Premium machine. Comes with all feet, needle plates and flatbed attachment. I thought I would use this more but I don’t and hate to let it sit here not being used by someone who needs it. Located in Hartford, CT/Springfield, MA. Possible regional delivery for fee depending on location. $2,300 I have a bunch of pictures but they are too large to upload. Any tips to easily resize?
  5. Bump. $115 shipped!
  6. Just finished mine up last night. $150 for the press, $110 for the plates, $90 air jack, $200 for the welding. $15 cutting board. I am getting an air compressor from Santa, so add $150 for a bigger tank model. $700 all in for a 20” x 12” cutting area. Weavers mighty Wonders are easier to use but the 4 ton is a smaller cutting area for $995 + shipping at their wholesale price. The 8 Ton is a similar cutting area as the shop press but costs $1,995 + shipping. All that’s savings will allow me to afford all of the dies I’ll need to get. Let’s just hope she works ok!
  7. Blanchard Plough Gauge, 10cm. Purchased from Bruce Johnson a couple years ago. Everything’s in great condition. Only used on a few hides for belts. Just polished the brass and stropped the blade. $315 shipped.
  8. None of the above. When I first started out everyone mentioned to get a round knife, so i did. I prefer a basic box cutter for what I need to do and the material I work with.
  9. Einhorn Round knife for sale. Barely used. $125 shipped.
  10. I backed this! Just reached the goal!
  11. https://www.einhorncustom.com/product-page/leather-half-round-knife I have an Einhorn round knife I was about to put up for sale. Had it for about 2 years, never really needed to use it. I live CT do shipping would be cheap. $110 shipped.
  12. Both excellent points. It’s like Christmas when I find local items relating to leatherwork. Hard to pass up!
  13. There is a Cowboy CB29 for sale for $1,000 locally. I really don’t NEED it, but I think it could come in handy on certain projects that are awkward to do on a flatbed. I don’t know much about these machines. Is $1k a good deal? I see these retail new for $2,300. I went to look at it and put a few pieces through the machine. The bobbin tension was off a bit and the hand wheel wasn’t turning that smoothly. Owner has little experience with the machine and neither do I. I currently have a Cobra class 4 and a Consew 226. My comfort level with machines is growing. Would any of you pick this up if it was located 10 minutes from you? What projects have you used and really liked the patcher machines for?
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