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  • Location
    Maine, USA
  • Interests
    leatherwork, vintage machines, weaving, little dogs

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    belts and purses
  • Interested in learning about
    repairing Singer 29-4
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  1. Meader Supply Corp in Rochester, NH 603-332-3032 carries copper rivets in several sizes and tiny copper burrs by the pound. I thought a pound would be a large box, but it isn't, however, it is still much cheaper than other suppliers that I have previously purchased from....they are looking in to ordering the larger size burrs direct from their manufacturer and I told them every leatherworker in the country would be buying from Meader because their prices are low and shipping is reasonable. Please help them out by calling them and requesting what you need in copper rivets and burrs. Just trying to help out a New England Company. Thanks....NikonMom
  2. I tried copper rivets at Ohio Travel Bag and they wanted $14.98 just to ship them. So I got online and found a farrier called Meader Supply who carries #12 copper rivets by the pound AND copper burrs by the pound!!! less than $10 to ship.
  3. I just made one with garment or upholstery leather and it's too soft. If you want to make a tote, use something with some stiffness to it. I use 4-5 oz. veg tan and it is not too heavy but still keeps its shape.
  4. Hoping to be able to use this thread. Need longer stitches but machine is wicked old. Cowboy Bob, do you have a part I can get to make it stitch longer? It did stitch in a groove I put in some scrap chrome leather and did a great job, but then I fiddled with it and messed up the tension. Need to make time to mess with it again.
  5. hello again. I have a problem setting snaps. It seems they just don't want to set properly for me. I thought I would outsmart them and get some snaps from FastSnap Corp. being a "military grade" snap, but nooooooooo, same problem. Is it really a post problem? I mean, I really have to line up the leather and put a leather washer on the post so that the leather is even with the post once you push it through before you whack it? I like to use line 24 and have a setter from Gold Star. Any help appreciated.
  6. where is the bell crank lever?
  7. Bob, what does it take to get a Singer 29-4 to make bigger stitches. What do I need to replace and is there a replacement

    part for it?

    1. CowboyBob


      When they were new they made 7 stitches per inch,how long is yours?I did a search on the forum I know it's been talked about many times b4 & here's one thread about it.



  8. OK then, a nice 29-4 for sale in Maine. $500
  9. Hi, Thanks for letting me join. There is so much good info on this site. Congratulations! I have just acquired a Singer cobbler's patcher machine. A few parts were missing but that is now resolved. I want to be able to use #69 bonded nylon thread but it isn't working. The thread is being chewed up on the top and the bottom. I know that it is all about tension on vintage machines, as I have become a repair-person after my Touch & Sew died. Tension, needle size, threading, etc. but my main question is: why the heck didn't they make the bobbin bigger? I can't believe a machine that is supposed to be able to stitch leather shoes and boots has so small a bobbin!!! I really need for this machine to sew bonded nylon size #69 thread since my main leather projects are belts and purses. If you guys have a true 29-4 and can walk me through exactly what each part is for and how I can get this thread to work, I would be most grateful! Thanks so much. Here is a recent purse I finished. I am a fan of simple design.
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